Fun Notes/Activities on This Unit
1. If you have extra time, show the class the Disney movie, The Emperor's New Groove. The movie has a strong Inca presence. The emperor's name is Kuzco, he is turned into a llama, Pacha (means earth in Quechua) is a llama herder, ChiCha (means maize beer in Quechua) is Pacha's wife, there are jaguars, the architecture of Kuzco's home, and Pacha's home on the mountaintop. These are just a few of the similarities and any class would enjoy finding these similarities and more.
2. Bierhorst's book on Inca myths is called Black Rainbow. A black rainbow in many cultures is a bridge to the underworld, which in Inca mythology is Uca Pacha and is headed by a deity named Supay, who is also in charge of a race of demons.