The Science of Global Warming


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Background
  4. Is Global Warming Real
  5. The Case for Biodiesel
  6. Methods
  7. Laboratory #1
  8. Laboratory #2
  9. Laboratory #3
  10. Laboratory #4
  11. Laboratory #5
  12. Appendix
  13. Annotated Bibliography

The Case for Biodiesel with Selected Experiments

Matthew N. Van Kouwenberg

Published September 2006

Tools for this Unit:

Laboratory #3

Take multiple bottles and place a thermometer that completely fits in them inside the bottles. Then fill the bottles with water and hold them submerged in a tank that is also filled. Use a hose and pump various gases (either with a gas tank or as byproducts from experiments in Erlenmeyer flasks, HCl and Zn mix nicely to make Hydrogen) into the bottles to displace the water.

When all the water is out of the bottles they are filled with the gases you want (I would recommend using at least CO 2 , O 2 , N 2 , and air) seal the bottles. Then leave the bottles overnight (or longer) under in light.

Read the thermometers and see if there is a difference. Make sure the thermometer is very good, because while there is a difference between most of the bottles, it is not a huge difference given the time scales we are dealing with.


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