Adapting Literature


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction & Inspiration
  2. Intention
  3. Research & Rationale: The What and the Why
  4. Strategy 1: Establishing a Hook through the Interactive Read-Aloud
  5. Strategy 2: Creating Culture of Student Ownership through Cooperative Grouping
  6. Strategy 3: Establishing Intimacy with the Text through Performative Embodiment
  7. Classroom Activity 1
  8. Classroom Activity 2
  9. Classroom Activity 3
  10. Appendices
  11. Annotated Bibliography

The Color Purple's Three-Fold Adaptation: Examining Protagonists and Media through a Self-Reflective, Critical Lens

Ane Nyoka Ebie-Mouton

Published September 2007

Tools for this Unit:

Introduction & Inspiration

My matriculation through the University of Illinois-Urbana under Joanna McClay and Kay Holley exposed me to a course of study quietly nestled within the college of communications formally entitled Performance Studies. The Performance Studies discipline was also lauded as Literary School of Oral Interpretation. This is the place where I found my academic and artistic niche that served as the foundation of my teaching practices as a theatre, reading, and now literacy educator. I have been well aware of how performative embodiment cultivates an intimacy with literature that fosters a transcendental and vested understanding of the text. With this as my inspiration, I want to use my twenty-five year old relationship with Alice Walker's The Color Purple from its original literary inception to its adaptation from movie to musical to facilitate an in-depth understanding of the themes that run through the story, while illustrating how adaptations keep the work alive and timeless.


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