Adapting Literature


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction & Inspiration
  2. Intention
  3. Research & Rationale: The What and the Why
  4. Strategy 1: Establishing a Hook through the Interactive Read-Aloud
  5. Strategy 2: Creating Culture of Student Ownership through Cooperative Grouping
  6. Strategy 3: Establishing Intimacy with the Text through Performative Embodiment
  7. Classroom Activity 1
  8. Classroom Activity 2
  9. Classroom Activity 3
  10. Appendices
  11. Annotated Bibliography

The Color Purple's Three-Fold Adaptation: Examining Protagonists and Media through a Self-Reflective, Critical Lens

Ane Nyoka Ebie-Mouton

Published September 2007

Tools for this Unit:

Strategy 2: Creating Culture of Student Ownership through Cooperative Grouping

Another strategy comes on the form of empowering students to own their learning by placing them in cooperative groups. The difference between cooperative grouping and group work is that cooperative groups are more structured, holding each student accountable for their own contribution as part of a whole. Student roles in cooperative grouping activities include, but are not limited to, coach, recorder, reflector, and taskmaster.


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