Across the Curriculum with Detective Fiction for Young People and Adults


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Objectives
  3. Rationale
  4. Background
  5. Implementation
  6. Classroom Strategies
  7. Conclusion
  8. Works Cited
  9. Appendix A
  10. Appendix B
  11. Appendix C

Uncloaking the Clues: Details, Daggers, and Detection

Deborah Denise Dabbs

Published September 2007

Tools for this Unit:

Appendix B

Student Reference Handout

A Writer's Rubric to Critiquing

This is a writer's rubric - one designed to help you pick a work to pieces so that you will readily learn how to put one together; therefore, it is much longer than a normal rubric.

  1. What is implied/stated main idea? Provide supporting ideas and paraphrase
  2. hat you gained from the reading.
  3. Using reasoning and what you read, predict where the story is going. Draw
  4. onclusions and generalizations about what you think will happen.
  5. Are there any cultural characteristics related which could be developed to make
  6. he story more interesting and unique?
  7. What do you know about the story? What else would you like to learn?
  8. Who is the best audience for the story? Will this audience find the logic in the
  9. tory credible? Or are there errors which need to be addressed?
  10. Conventions: Appropriate word choice. Correct sentence structure, transition.
  11. Mechanics: Correct capitalization, punctuation, spelling
  12. Does the passage capture your interest?
  13. Is the speaker's voice and stance established?
  14. Is at least one central matter revealed?
  15. Is the first sentence memorable?
  16. What elements of (insert appropriate literary element) are covered?
  17. Is the writing lively, neither to casual or too stiff?
  18. Is the work concise, or are more words than necessary used to make a point?
  19. Is the writing redundant or are there expressions that repeatedly say the same
  20. hing?
  21. Is figurative language in place to add vividness?
  22. Has sensory language been put in place to help reader become a part of the
  23. tory?
  24. Have intensifiers been excised or pruned?
  25. To make a character more real the writer uses certain tools. As you critique your
  26. lassmates' scenario, make note of whether or not they, to help the reader better
  27. see" and "know" the characters, they've used::
  28. escription Problems Examples
  29. ause Effect Comparisons
  30. ontrasts
  31. Expound on the diction used in the scene. What literary tools/devices are used?
  32. Personal comments/observations.


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