Appendix B
Student Reference Handout
A Writer's Rubric to Critiquing
This is a writer's rubric - one designed to help you pick a work to pieces so that you will readily learn how to put one together; therefore, it is much longer than a normal rubric.
- What is implied/stated main idea? Provide supporting ideas and paraphrase
- hat you gained from the reading.
- Using reasoning and what you read, predict where the story is going. Draw
- onclusions and generalizations about what you think will happen.
- Are there any cultural characteristics related which could be developed to make
- he story more interesting and unique?
- What do you know about the story? What else would you like to learn?
- Who is the best audience for the story? Will this audience find the logic in the
- tory credible? Or are there errors which need to be addressed?
- Conventions: Appropriate word choice. Correct sentence structure, transition.
- Mechanics: Correct capitalization, punctuation, spelling
- Does the passage capture your interest?
- Is the speaker's voice and stance established?
- Is at least one central matter revealed?
- Is the first sentence memorable?
- What elements of (insert appropriate literary element) are covered?
- Is the writing lively, neither to casual or too stiff?
- Is the work concise, or are more words than necessary used to make a point?
- Is the writing redundant or are there expressions that repeatedly say the same
- hing?
- Is figurative language in place to add vividness?
- Has sensory language been put in place to help reader become a part of the
- tory?
- Have intensifiers been excised or pruned?
- To make a character more real the writer uses certain tools. As you critique your
- lassmates' scenario, make note of whether or not they, to help the reader better
- see" and "know" the characters, they've used::
- escription Problems Examples
- ause Effect Comparisons
- ontrasts
- Expound on the diction used in the scene. What literary tools/devices are used?
- Personal comments/observations.