Across the Curriculum with Detective Fiction for Young People and Adults


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Objectives
  3. Rationale
  4. Background
  5. Implementation
  6. Classroom Strategies
  7. Conclusion
  8. Works Cited
  9. Appendix A
  10. Appendix B
  11. Appendix C

Uncloaking the Clues: Details, Daggers, and Detection

Deborah Denise Dabbs

Published September 2007

Tools for this Unit:

Classroom Strategies

Scripted Lessons


Different colored post-its numbered one through five, matching-colored dry-erase markers, unlined white paper, a class set of The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, pencils, paper, Literary Elements Study Guide handouts, and list of conventions for the English Golden Age detective novel. Students are each to be handed a novel and one of the post-it notes, the color of which indicates their group, and the number on which indicates their function in the group: one serving as the facilitator, two the scribe, three the presenter, four the time-keeper, and five the juggler or the person who can authorize the change of functions within the group.


On the board there is a picture of a bloody dagger lying on the floor. There is a caption which reads, "Did the butler do it?" above and to the side of it, and underneath it a table entitled "Portrait of a Murderer" with two columns labeled Character Traits and Opportunity. Students are asked to make a prediction as to what they think the lesson will cover and to give reasons for their decisions.


The key to any story is its characters. In order to portray them vividly so that they are memorable, the writer has to make the reader know them personally. In our reading, writing, and discussing of Agatha Christie's The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, please consider Dr. Sheppard. As we read the story, we believed we knew him because, after all, he is the narrator of the tale. And, by the next to the last chapter of the novel, we accept that he is an integral part of the story but feel there is nothing about him that truly stands out and makes him interesting. To us, he is a period or a comma, necessary but unworthy of our undivided attention. He appears to be an insignificant dullard. This belief is what makes the last chapter of the novel extremely important, for it is here that we get a complete picture of Dr. Sheppard, the villain. Until Poirot tells us, we never consider that Dr. Sheppard may be the murderer. This is Christie's greatest strength as a mystery writer, the unexpected twist at the end of her stories.


Perhaps attributing delusions of grandeur to Dr. Sheppard is a bit too strong; however the very name of the last chapter, "Apologia," - the only one not written in English, seems to bear out this conclusion. So when the doctor says, "A strange end to my manuscript. I meant it to be published some day as the history of one of Poirot's failures," we are meant to know that he has pitted himself against the great Poirot and found the latter wanting, that is until Poirot pins the murder on him. Hubris has definitely had a hand here! So, under Character Traits, write in excessive pride for the good Dr. Sheppard.

Now, let's look at another passage. "I am rather pleased with myself as a writer. What could be neater, for instance than the following:

"The letters were brought in at twenty minutes to nine. It was just on ten minutes to nine when I left him, the letter still unread. I hesitated with my hand on the door handle, looking back and wondering if there was anything I had left undone." . . . All true, you see. But suppose I had put in a row of stars after the first sentence! Would somebody then have wondered what exactly happened in that blank ten minutes . . . When I looked round the room from the door, I was quite satisfied. Nothing had been left undone."

There is not the slightest bit of remorse in this musing. And there is a definite self-satisfaction in the phrasing, which reeks of self-importance. So, in the Character Traits column, add remorseless, smug, and arrogant. Our preconceived picture of Dr. Sheppard is beginning to change, isn't it?

Guided Practice

Now, let's identify some other traits of Dr. Sheppard which are uncovered in this chapter. With your assigned color group, you are to find a passage which highlights an assigned trait and pick out key elements which typify this trait in this chapter. The traits we are seeking are paranoid, cunning, manipulative, judgmental, petty, and caring. Before you begin work in your groups, the class will find the passage that shows Dr. Sheppard is capable of caring for another person. After we have done this, each of your groups will work to find the passage that demonstrates the character trait assigned to it. As you collaborate, bear in mind that each determination will need to be supported by the evidence Ms. Christie provides. So please take notes.

When your group has outlined the details which give evidence of your assigned trait, please come to the board and write, in the color assigned to you, the page and paragraph numbers of the passage where evidence supporting your choice is given. When each group has written their evidentiary detail on the board, we will discuss them to ascertain if the class agrees with the conclusions drawn. But, before we get to that, let's look for the passage which shows Dr. Sheppard cares for someone besides himself. When you believe you have found it, raise your hand and we'll discuss it, highlighting the details that have led you to your conclusion and, as a class, determining if this is indeed the passage for which we are searching. Are you ready? Then let's see who will win this race to uncover the evidence. Find the passage which shows Dr. Sheppard is a caring person. Readers take your mark. Get set. Go!

Very good! The evidence bears out your selection. It is the passage in which the doctor refers to his sister having her pride and having to live in the town. This passage shows that he is — even if only for a bare moment — concerned with someone else's welfare. It demonstrates a measure of compassion.

Group Writing #1

Now, since you have completed this class activity, let's look at the group assignment. As you can see written on the board, each group has been assigned a trait. It is written in the group's designated color. Your task is to find the evidence which highlights this trait in the chapter, to write it on the board in your group's color and to present it to the class after each group has completed the task. Are there any questions? Are you ready to start? Good! Happy hunting! Go!

Independent Practice #1

You guys have done a simply wonderful job! You've hit the mark each time. Now, let's take it a little higher. Let's go to another level. Let's untie the "group apron string" and work individually for a bit. Though you'll be working by yourself, you should have a bit of fun with this assignment. You are going to give Christie another villain. You are going to take the good Dr. Sheppard off of the hook and allow him to be the insipid character he appears to be for most of the novel. You are going to do this by making another member of the cast culpable. You are going to change the last two chapters in such a way that another character becomes the villain, the despicable murderer. You are going to write an alternate ending to Ackroyd! Please remember that this is still Ms. Christie's novel and you are not to change it too much. That is why you are to focus your writing on the two final chapters. You are to show your knowledge of the setting she's provided in terms of time and place, as well as the economic and moral climate. Lastly, you are to demonstrate your understanding of the novel's plot. You will, in essence, change the novel's resolution and conclusion, using everything that Ms. Christie has provided up to this point. Are there any questions? If you need further clarification, please do not hesitate to raise your hand for my help. Now, let's create something! Start writing and have fun doing it. Make your ending exactly what you want it to be. Be creative!

Independent Practice #2

It's time for another solo flight. I have yet another assignment I'd like you to complete, which deals with this story. However, I don't want you to use the book to complete this assignment. Please put them away. Thanks. Now, since we've spent so much time on the ending of Christie's novel, I thought it might be fun to work on the other end, not just the beginning but the very first sentence. And what I'd like you to do is play a variation of an old parlor game called First Sentences. In this game, you are to write what you feel would be the best first sentence for this novel. After everyone has written their sentence and submitted it, the class will vote on which is best, with bonus points being given for the top vote getters. So, with the thought of a chance to earn bonus points in mind, begin writing. You have three minutes to complete this task. As you finish, please write your name, period and the date on your paper and bring it to me. At the end of the allotted time, I will collect all papers not already turned in and the vote will begin. Now, start creating!

Class Writing #1

That was interesting! Did you enjoy the exercise? Good! Let's take it up another notch. Take out your "Detective Fiction Conventions" handout and let's look at another subgenre of detective fiction. Golden Age detective stories can be interesting but, let's face it; they're another time, another culture and another country. Let's bring our studies a little closer to home. Let's take a look at hardboiled detective fiction. You have the conventions of the subgenre at hand, so I would like you to take a moment to read them. We'll go over them in detail a bit later. But, for now, I want you to read the conventions silently as I read them aloud. Then we will do a little exercise which should show what your take is on this subgenre.

Okay. Now you that you have an idea of what makes up hardboiled detective fiction, let's put the knowledge to work. Let's play a spin-off of the "First Sentences" parlor game. I am going to read the blurb from the jacket of a classic hardboiled novel, Red Harvest by Dashiell Hammett. After I finish reading the blurb, I want each of you to write a sentence which you feel will be simply great as the beginning of this novel; however, this time, you are not going to vote on which sentence you think is the best way to start the novel. This time, when I say time, you are going to pass your paper to the person behind you who will continue the writing by adding another sentence. If you are at the end of the row, bring your paper to the person sitting in the first seat in the row to your left. If you are in the last seat in the last row, bring your paper to the person sitting in the first seat in the first row. This will continue until you receive back your original sheet of paper the third time. Are there any questions? Good. Let's get to the fun. This is the blurb.

"When the last honest citizen of Poisonville was murdered, the Continental Op stayed on to punish the guilty - even if that meant taking on an entire town. Red Harvest is more than a superb crime novel: it is a classic exploration of corruption and violence in the American grain."

That's it! That's the blurb. I'll read it again and, then, I want you to start writing the novel as you see it in your mind's eye. You've read the conventions of the subgenre. You've heard the sales pitch of the novel, the blurb, which I will read once again. Now it's your turn. Begin to write the novel described by this blurb, one sentence at a time, as a class. You will begin at the beginning. For the first sentence, you will have two minutes to write. As the passages get longer and you need to read them to continue the writing, you will be given more time. We should almost have a short story by the time we finish writing. So, let's start, please.

Group Reading/Writing #2

That was great, guys! Your story beginnings are fantastic! Some are hilarious! Let's keep this thing going! We are going to read a short story, now, that falls in the hardboiled realm. If you are the timekeeper for your group, please come forward and take your place on the panel. You will be reading aloud Norbert Davis' short story, "Who Said I Was Dead," which is in Hard-Boiled: An Anthology of American Crime Stories. This story provides a deeper look into this subgenre of detective fiction. While it is read round robin by the panel, the rest of you will make note of those things you find significant. Please focus on character development, the setting, and the use of dialogue, as well as the events of the plot which will unfold before you. After the first reading has been completed, the timekeepers will exchange places with the juggler from each group. The jugglers will then read the story a second time and the rest of you will continue to take notes and gather further information. When this has been done, each group will discuss the notes taken and from them, as a group, outline and then write a sequel to the story. As you write, please bear in mind that you will be enacting -not reading — this story for the class. Therefore, it must have sufficient dialogue and enough characters for each member in the group to be able to participate. The group's presenter will serve as the narrator, and each group member must have his/her own copy of the story. This will ensure that you will not have to pass around and "share" the script. Okay? Now, do you have questions? Let's get busy! Timekeepers begin!

Jugglers please exchange places with the timekeepers. Begin!

Now, with your group members, discuss the notes you've made. When you feel each person in your group understands the story sufficiently, outline a sequel to the story. Be sure to include plot and character development based on the genre conventions and do use the Literary Elements Study Guide handout provided. Don't stress. We'll discuss "Who Said I Was Dead" and your sequels following completion of the assignment. Your writing grade will either be a 100 or a zero. You must complete the assignment, developing an outline and writing the story, for the high grade. Your presentation grade, however, will depend on the amount of realism you bring to your role when your group presents it. The grading range will be from 60 to 100, with 70 being the lowest grade given for participation in the tableau. So, since the threat of penalty has been removed, you should feel free to allow your imaginations to reign and run free. Go right ahead and do so! Please begin now.

Independent Practice #3

Now, let's take a brief solo flight as you continue your writing. Since you've have done so well demonstrating your understanding of the tenets of the hardboiled detective story, I would like you to practice a bit more now that we have discussed "Who Said I Was Dead?" and your sequels. Your next assignment is to create your own personal detective using the conventions of this genre. You are to "birth" this detective and the world in which he lives. You will have the remainder of the class period to develop a web of the traits your detective embodies, the setting in which he lives, and possible situations in which he will find himself embroiled. Use your Literary Elements Study Guide as a reference for the basics to include when you create your character and setting. Remember, if you need direction, all you have to do is beckon. That's why I'm here. Good writing to you! Go for it!


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