Across the Curriculum with Detective Fiction for Young People and Adults


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Overview
  2. Rationale
  3. "Why a Duck?"
  4. Kindness Goes Unpunished
  5. Strategies
  6. Classroom Activities
  7. Notes
  8. Teacher Resources
  9. Student Resources
  10. Appendix A
  11. Appendix B
  12. Appendix C
  13. Appendix E

More Than Just Whodunit - Using a Mystery Story to Motivate Tenth-Grade Students to Read

William Sandy Lewis

Published September 2007

Tools for this Unit:

Appendix B

Topics for reports

Cheyenne Indians Wyoming "Sleeping Beauty" "Brier Rose"

Old City Betsy Ross House Fireman's Hall Independence Hall

Franklin Mint Liberty Bell City Hall National Constitution Center

Christ Church Painted Bride Art Center Italian Market Elfreth's Alley

The Reading Terminal Market Benjamin Franklin Bridge Boathouse Row

Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts Philadelphia Museum of Art

Fairmount Park Phillies Eagles Four Squares of the City

Franklin Institute MOVE Delaware River Schuylkill River

Pine Barrens Mennonites Forbidden Drive statuary mentioned in story

Graterford Prison Wyoming Basques Lenape Indians Broad Street Line

Philadelphia Main Line Frankford El Citizen's Bank Park


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