Across the Curriculum with Detective Fiction for Young People and Adults


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Overview
  2. Rationale
  3. "Why a Duck?"
  4. Kindness Goes Unpunished
  5. Strategies
  6. Classroom Activities
  7. Notes
  8. Teacher Resources
  9. Student Resources
  10. Appendix A
  11. Appendix B
  12. Appendix C
  13. Appendix E

More Than Just Whodunit - Using a Mystery Story to Motivate Tenth-Grade Students to Read

William Sandy Lewis

Published September 2007

Tools for this Unit:

Appendix E

Pennsylvania Standards for Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening met by this unit:

1.1. A- Establish the purpose for reading a type ot text (literature, information) before reading.

1.1. G- Make and support with evidence, assertions about texts.

1.2. A- Use teacher and student established criteria for making decisions and drawing conclusions.

1.3. A- Analyze the relationships, uses and effectiveness of literary elements . . . including characterization, setting, plot, theme, point of view, tone, and style.

1.4. A- Write complex informational pieces (e.g. research papers, analyses, evaluations, essays).

1.5. A- Listen to others. Ask clarifying questions. Synthesize information, ideas, and opinions to determine relevancy. Take notes.

1.6. C- Speak using skills appropriate to formal speech situations

1.7. D- Contribute to discussions. Ask relevant, clarifying questions. Respond with relevant information or opinions to questions asked.

1.6. E- Participate in small and large group discussions and presentations.

1.6. F- Use media for learning purposes.

1.8. B- Locate information using appropriate sources and strategies

1.8. C- Organize, summarize, and present the main ideas from research.


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