Lesson 3: Creating a map from a Painting
Time Allotment 1-2 weeks
Objectives: Understand the important role that art elements and principles of design can be identified and applied to their mapmaking composition, using proportion and scale. Present a researched theme on mapping to the class as a group or individual presentation; expand their critical thinking skills through the last drawing project and discussion critique feature.
Activities: Imaginative mapmaking project- Students choose a postcard landscape painting and convert it to a birds-eye topographic map (from their minds-eye and all the experience they've had). Critiques of all works and presentation (group assessment and discussion)
Optional Activity: Fieldtrip to Downtown. The Downtown District has underground streets and tunnels, a great place to do striding with compass and mapping while using the tunnel map. www.houstondowntown.com
Materials: 30 artist landscape samples (found in art museum gift shops), paper, rulers, pencils, computer (if power point presentation), watercolors.