Maps and Mapmaking


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Map Beginnings
  2. Mappae Mundi
  3. Ptolemy
  4. Portolan Maps
  5. Terra Incognita, Sea Monsters and Mythical Symbolism
  6. Mapping the Course
  7. Rationale
  8. Houston District School Objectives
  9. Preliminary Vocabulary
  10. Lesson 1: Learning the Basics
  11. Lesson 2: History of Maps and Mapping
  12. Lesson 3: Creating a map from a Painting
  13. Appendix I: Worksheets
  14. Appendix II Lesson 1 - Instructions for mapping land: check-off list for each step
  15. Appendix III
  16. Appendix IV
  17. Notes
  18. Cited Reference
  19. Annotated Bibliography
  20. Websites

The Beautiful Art of Map Making

Mayra Muller-Schmidt

Published September 2007

Tools for this Unit:

Appendix IV

Lesson II

Name_________________ Period _________ Date _________

Quick Quiz: Tell me about these maps: Use these words to explain what you know.

hand-written, dated, notations, bird's-eye view, compass, satellite photograph, weather map, scale, key, signed by mapmaker, contour-line map, political, pictograph, stride, topographic, symmetrical, legend, portolan, treasure, ancient, natural resource, anatomical, celestial, precise, mythical

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