The purpose of my unit is designed to engage fourth grade students in obtaining useful information about the four inner planets and to explore future space travel. In this unit students will not only study the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, but they will also build a spacecraft to explore their imaginary trip into outer space. These activities will coincide with the final activity of a pretend interview with an astronaut and publishing a magazine called "Space Illustrated: There and Back." The imaginary space trip, the making of a spacecraft and the publishing of their own magazine will make this a very exciting unit.
This unit coincides with the New Haven Science Strands. This unit meets many of the New Haven science curriculum standards, but expands the usual themes covered by most science textbooks by including a writing element and space travel activity. Studying Earth Science and Physical Science are part of the curriculum; the primary focus is usually on the eight planets and the night sky. This unit will extend the study of the atmosphere to include space travel. Students will also develop skills in Scientific Inquiry such as forming an inference from observation and observing events in Space to predict an occurrence. Students will also develop information on motion and design as outlined in the Physical Science standards.