The Science and Technology of Space


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Objective
  4. The Fantastic Four
  5. Activity 1: Making the cover of the Space Illustrated Magazine
  6. Activity 2: Making the Space Rocket
  7. Activity 3: Planet Hollywood
  8. Appendix 1
  9. Appendix 2
  10. References

Space Illustrated: There and Back

Barbara C. Natale

Published September 2007

Tools for this Unit:


My unit is taught in four sections, with an activity corresponding to each section. I feel the students will not only learn the information, but they will remember this unit for a very long time. With a visual and hands-on approach, the students will not feel as if I'm lecturing to them. One modification that is helpful to special education students, with general education students also benefiting, is a hands on approach. The first section, which I call "The Fantastic Four", will allow both the students and me the opportunity to explore and learn about the four planets chosen. We will participate in a variety of inquisitive discussions, and research through books, internet and library visits. This basic background information will assist them when completing the activities at the end of the unit.

The students will receive information on the four planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. They will research the planets on the internet, and watch videos about the planets. Each student will receive a space notebook to record their notes and to refer to when asking questions to the astronauts. During this section students will gather information about the planets such as distance from Earth and the Sun, temperature, size, rotation, air quality, color, and many other facts relevant to the four inner planets. (See Appendix 2)

The next section I have named "Silver Surfer." This section involves research on space travel, Shuttles, and other launchers. Students will engage in various activities to develop a better understanding of how we get into space, how we stay there, and how we get back to Earth safely. After reviewing past Space History (See Appendix 3) and exploring new ways into Space, my students will design and build their own imaginary Space Rocket. We will discuss the elements needed to make a safe and reliable vehicle. As an evaluation we will take the Space Rockets outside to the playground or ball field, and launch them into outer space to see which ones make it through our atmosphere and land safely on their planet!

Were you thinking it was a real planet? Good! The students will launch their Space Rockets onto the baseball field that will be a replica of the Solar System. I call this section "Planet Hollywood." I think the students will enjoy this activity for two reasons. It is time to be outside to show their inventions, and a concrete visual aid to help them understand the size of our Solar System. When the students are on the baseball field, I will discuss the objects representing the planet and the distance. I will have a chart with the measurements of the distance from the Sun to each planet. I will also explain the spatial relations between the real planet and the object that is representing it. After the students observe the size of each planet and its distance from the Sun, students will use a tape measure and place the objects (planets) the correct distance from the Sun. I will also explain that the Sun is much larger than the infield home plate that represents it. Then each student will have the opportunity to launch their Rocket into Space! It is very important to emphasize the size of the Sun compared to the replica of the home plate on the baseball field. The Sun is 1,391,980 K (864,938 miles) in diameter, making it ten (Prince, 2003) times larger then Jupiter, and 109 times larger then Earth.

I hope that this unit will encourage students to continue with their education. I hope to inspire them to one day become an astronaut, astronomer or physical engineer, and travel to space or even build a new and improved space vehicle! With a combination of research and hands-on activities, students will feel they have accomplished something, and successfully participated in a unit that they can then remember for the rest of their lives.


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