The Science and Technology of Space


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Objective
  4. The Fantastic Four
  5. Activity 1: Making the cover of the Space Illustrated Magazine
  6. Activity 2: Making the Space Rocket
  7. Activity 3: Planet Hollywood
  8. Appendix 1
  9. Appendix 2
  10. References

Space Illustrated: There and Back

Barbara C. Natale

Published September 2007

Tools for this Unit:

Activity 1: Making the cover of the Space Illustrated Magazine


*Two pieces of lightweight cardboard (cereal boxes or similar) cut ½ to 1 inch larger than the size of the paper


*Contact paper or space pattern wrapping paper 1 to 1 ½ inches longer than cardboard




Place two pieces of the cardboard side by side with a 1 inch space between them. Tape the cardboard pieces together. Place the cardboard on top of the wrapping paper and glue together. Leave 1 inch border around sides. Fold the four sides over the cardboard and glue. Now work on the pages to put in the magazine. (See Appendix 4) Once your articles are complete, stack them in a pile. Place two blank pages on top and on the bottom. Glue the blank pages to the inside of the cardboard covers. You magazine is now ready for all to read! Once the magazine cover is made, have student view other Space magazines such as The Weekly Newsmagazine of Science: Science News, or Science World. This will aid in the format needed to write their magazine.


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