Approaches to Teaching Shakespeare


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Unit Overview
  4. Objectives
  5. Strategies
  6. Classroom activities
  7. Appendix: Implementing District Standards
  8. Annotated Bibliography: Resources for Teachers
  9. Resources for Students
  10. Notes

Race and Gender in Shakespeare and the Art of Rhetoric

Marialuisa Sapienza

Published September 2008

Tools for this Unit:


  1. to analyze the concepts of race and gender, and reflect about their real implications
  2. to predict, infer, and see causes and effects;
  3. apply their prior knowledge in determining these concepts, and before reading the written texts;
  4. write an initial essay analyzing the concept of race and gender;
  5. draw conclusions and evaluate the eventual differences;
  6. read the written documents and start an initial understanding by underlining or highlighting the points and/or parts that grab the students' attention;
  7. draw conclusions about the right interpretation of the underlined or highlighted points;
  8. understand the specific vocabulary of the various texts;
  9. determine the purpose(s) and the perspective(s) of each document;
  10. write a close analysis of the written documents;
  11. discuss the close analysis of the written documents with peers;
  12. compare and contrast the various written documents, and draw the appropriate conclusions;
  13. write an annotated bibliography of all the documents studied;
  14. write a final essay in which each student will evaluate and theorize about his/her own concepts of race and gender, supporting his/her theory with three texts at least;
  15. illustrate their theories with Power Point and present them to their audience.


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