Appendix: Implementing District Standards
The teaching implemented in this unit reflects the requirements of the Connecticut's Common Core of Learning K-12 Content Standards. The curriculum for Language Arts in the New Haven District adheres to the state standards and each unit offers the opportunity to teach, deepen or scaffold the four essential standards: Reading and Responding, Exploring and Responding to Literature, Communicating with Others, and English Language Conventions. My unit is primarily built on either the scaffolding or teaching of the following:
Content Standard One: Reading and Responding
Students read, comprehend and respond in individual, literal, critical and evaluative ways to literary, informational and persuasive texts in multimedia formats.
- Students use appropriate strategies before, during and after reading in order to construct meaning.
- Students interpret, analyze and evaluate text in order to extend understanding and appreciation.
- Students select and apply strategies to facilitate word recognition and develop a vocabulary to comprehend the text.
- Students communicate with others to create interpretations of written, oral and visual texts.
Content Standard Two: Exploring and Responding to Literature
Students read and respond to classical and contemporary text from many cultures and literary periods.
- Students recognize how literary devices and conventions engage the reader.
- Students explore multiple responses.
Content Standard Three: Communicating with Others
Students produce written, oral and visual texts to express, develop and substantiate ideas and experiences.
- Students use descriptive, narrative, expository, persuasive and poetic modes.
- Students prepare, publish and/or present work appropriate to audience, purpose and task.
Content Standard Four: Applying English Language Conventions
Students apply the conventions of Standard English in oral, written and visual communication.
- Students use knowledge of their language and culture to improve competency in English.
- Students speak and write using standard language structures and diction appropriate to audience and task.
- Students use Standard English for composing and revising written text.