Bridges: The Art and Science for Creating Community Connections


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Objectives and Rationale
  2. Background Knowledge
  3. Strategies and Suggestions
  4. Lessons and Activities
  5. Appendix A: Implementing New Mexico Standards
  6. Appendix B: Vocabulary for Bridges
  7. Appendix C: Daily Question Ideas and Extension Ideas
  8. Endnotes
  9. Bibliography
  10. Films
  11. Web Resources

The Art, Science, and Mathematics of Bridges: An Integrated Unit for Middle School

Joan Henderson

Published September 2008

Tools for this Unit:

Appendix C: Daily Question Ideas and Extension Ideas

Daily Question Ideas:

How high can a stone building be built?

At what point will the weight of a building crush the lower stones?

How much cable is in the Golden Gate Bridge?

How much does steel cost and what would the steel cost to build the Washington Bridge in today's dollars?

What load was your chair designed for? What directional loads was it designed for? Why does your teacher tell you to stop tipping back on the chair and what does this have to do with forces?

Extension Ideas:

  1. Incorporate careers in bridge building through having students read about them. Have students introduce themselves and explain their lines of work via role-play.
  2. Biomiocry, 'analogical recruiting', appropriation of forms from nature, and Calatrava.
  3. Venn Diagrams to compare and contrast properties of materials
  4. Explore interactive on line computer programs. Try PBS. Kids, search for other sites, incorporate computer softwares, and The Geometer's Sketchpad.
  5. Incorporate Euler's explanation to the Koningsberg Bridge puzzle and have students create towns with bridges and their network solutions.
  6. Building of Oakland Bay Bridge, (DVD) , and other films on Bridges (Building Big Series)
  7. Read The Great Bridge-Building Contest, by Bo Zaunders
  8. Take field Trips to local bridges
  9. Study bridge failures
  10. Newton's 3 Laws of Motion in relationship to bridges
  11. Moving bridges


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