Appendix 1 State Objectives for North Carolina Physics
The following are the North Carolina Physics objectives that this curriculum unit addresses.
4.01 Determine that an object will continue in its state of motion unless acted upon by a net outside force (Newton's First Law of Motion, The Law of Inertia).
4.02 Assess, measure and calculate the conditions required to maintain a body in a state of static equilibrium. Describe forces as interactions between two objects, including contact and forces at a distance. Recognize that force is a vector quantity. Define normal force. Represent the forces acting on an object using a force diagram. Analyze force diagrams to calculate the net force on an object. Determine that the net force acting on an object in static equilibrium is zero.
Design and conduct investigations of objects in static equilibrium. (Torque and rotational equilibrium are enrichment topics.)
4.05 Assess the independence of the vector components of forces. Resolve forces into components. Apply Newton's Laws of Motion to the perpendicular components of force in the following examples: objects pulled or pushed along a horizontal surface by a force at an angle to the surface; objects sliding down an inclined plane; three concurrent forces acting on an object in static equilibrium.
4.06 Investigate, measure, and analyze the nature and magnitude of frictional forces.
Distinguish between static friction and kinetic friction. Solve quantitative problems with frictional forces. (Coefficient of friction is an enrichment topic) Identify interaction pairs of forces for contact forces and forces at a distance. Analyze Newton's Third Law.
3.01 Define vector and scalar, incorporating magnitude and direction. Clarify that a positive value for a force indicates motion in one direction while a negative value indicates motion in the opposite direction.
3.03 Resolve vectors into vertical and horizontal components. Recognize that vector components are independent of each other.
1.01 Identify questions and problems that can be answered through scientific investigations.
1.02 Design and conduct scientific investigations to answer questions about the physical world.
1.03 Formulate and revise scientific explanations and models(dpi)