Works Cited
Berge, Margaret & Gibbons, Philip. Help Your Child Excel in Math. Easy Practical Methods
That Make Learning Fun! (Life Time Books, Inc. Hollywood, Florida, 1992).
The book states bringing basic math concepts to preschoolers, reinforce an elementary school
curriculum with fun activities, and hardest of all, motivate kids to remember their facts.
Carman, Robert, & Carman, Marilyn. Quick Arithmetic. A Self-Teaching Guide (John Wiley and
Sons, Inc (3 rd Edition). New York, NY 2001). This self-teach book explains the quickest and
easiest way to understand and learn the basic math skills.
Howe, Roger. Estimation Seminar Notes: A Pretty Round Number. (Yale University. New Haven, Conn., 2008). The seminar leader of the Yale National Initiative explains how numbers are rounded off in one of his seminar discussions.
Kliman, Marlene & Russell, Susan et al. (Building on Numbers You Know. Computation and
Estimation Strategies. Dale Seymour Publications. White Plains, NY, 1998, I-1; 106-107).
This book is a complete K-5 mathematics curriculum that supports all students.
Kenschaft, Patricia Clark: Math Power How to Help your Child Love Math, Even If
You Don't. (Addison Wesley Longman Inc. 1997). This book explains how to help and
encourage children like math.
Stigler, James & Hiebert, James. The Teaching Gap Best ideas from the World's Teachers for
Improving Education in the Classroom. 1999. The Free Press. A division of Simon & Schuster
Inc. New York, NY. This book gives information on strategies to improve classroom teaching.
Kogelman, Stanley & Heller. The Only Math Book You'll Ever Need. (Facts on File. Inc.
New York, NY 1994). This book provides information on the basic mathematical concepts in
solving problems.
Paulos, John Allen. A Mathematician. A Mathematician Reads the Newspaper.1995. Bantam
Doubleday Dell Publishing Group. Inc. New York, NY. The book explains the importance of
math literacy.
Seiter, Charles. Everyday Math for Dummies. (IDG Books Worldwide. Inc. Foster City,
CA.1995). This book explains on how to improve basic math skills and how to solve word
Gullberg, John. Mathematics from the Birth of Numbers. (W.W. Norton & Company.Inc.
Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 1997). This easy to read book shows the history of numbers.
Carlow, C. D. "Critical balances and payoffs in an estimation program." In
Estimation and Mental Computation: 1986 Yearbook, edited by H. L. Schoen and M. J. Zweng,
pp. 93-102. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics1986. The book explains
the importance of teaching children estimation skills in Pre-K.
Huff, Darrell. The Complete: How to Figure it. (Darrell & Frances Huff, Inc. W.W. Norton &
Company. New York, NY 1996). This book shows easy techniques for calculating budget,
retirement plan, buying a house, estimating travel and leisure expenses etc.
Lawrence Weinstein and Adams, John. Guesstimation. (Princeton University Press. 2008). This book shows mathematical approximations in real world problems.
Leutzinger, L. P., Rathmell, E.C., & Urbatsch, T.D. "Developing estimation
skills in the primary grades." In Estimation and Mental Computation: (1986
Yearbook, edited by H. L. Schoen and M. J. Zweng, 1986, 82-92. Reston, VA)
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Reys, Robert E., Marilyn N. Suydam, Mary M. Lindquist, and Nancy L. Smith.
Helping children learn mathematics (Fifth edition). (Needham Heights, MA: Allyn
& Bacon 1998). This book provides the readers how to teach children learn mathematics.
Ruedy, Elisabeth & Nirenberg Sue. Where Do I Put Decimal Point?: How to conquer
Math Anxiety and Increase Your Facility With Numbers.( Henry Holt and Company Inc. New
York, NY 1990). This book encourages those people who get anxious with math and for those
who avoid math.
Siegel, A.W., Goldsmith, L.T., & Madson, C.R. 1982. "Skill in estimation
problems of extent and numerosity." Journal for Research in Mathematics
Education, 13, 211-232. This book is about children's development of ranged based estimation
Taylor-Cox, J. 2001. "How many marbles in the jar? Estimation in the early grades."
Teaching Children Mathematics, 8, 208-214. This article examines the known methods of
Clements, Andrew. A Million Dots. (Simon and Schuster Children's Publishing Center. New
York, NY 2006). This book contains "one million" dots that will give the readers a sense of
what a million really means.
Goldstone, Bruce. Great Estimations.2006. (Henry Holt and Company LLC. New York, NY
2006). This colorful book offers great math lessons to build up estimation skills.
Goldstone, Bruce. Greater Estimations. .( Henry Holt and Company LLC. New York, NY 2008).
This attractive book shows how to use estimation skills to find the length, volume and area.
Murphy, Stuart. Betcha! Harper Collins Children's Books. 1997. New York, NY. This is book
about two friends who used their estimation skills to win a contest.
Scott, Janine. Take A Guess: A Look at Estimation.2003. Compass Point Books. Minneapolis
MN. This is a picture window book showing how estimation can be used.
Area sampling Encyclopedia Britannica.2008. Encyclopedia Britannica (online.03.Aug.2008) This website
gives the definition of area and area sampling.
Array. Merriam Webster. (online. 03. Aug.2008)
This website gives the definition of the word array.
Number Operations Standards for Grades 3-5.National Council of Teachers in Mathematics. (online.03.Aug.2008)
This website provides the information for mathematics standards for Grades 3-5
Order of magnitude. 2008. Wikipedia. (online.03.Aug.2008)
This website provides the order of magnitude definition and chart.
Children's development of range based estimation skills: Far more than guesswork (online.03.Aug.2008)
This website is an article about estimation skills.
What works in the classroom instruction by Robert J. Marzano et al. (online 12 Aug.2008)
This website provides information on the nine instructional strategies that work in across all
content areas and across all grade levels.