Houston Independent School District is the largest school district in the state of Texas. Tinsley Elementary school is populated with approximately 60% Hispanic, 37% African American, 1% Caucasian and 1% Asian students in grades first through fifth. 88% of our students are eligible for free lunch and 6% of the students' population is eligible for reduced lunch. Thus, the school is considered as Title I. Located in inner city Houston, Tinsley Elementary is surrounded with low income housing, particularly apartment style. There is high mobility because 93% of the students live in this type of housing. The school has the bilingual and the English as a Second Language (ESL) Program from first to fifth grade. There are 6 classes in each grade level. In the first through third grade, the Spanish speaking students go to the bilingual classes. Then from fourth to fifth grade, these bilingual students are placed in the ESL classes. The school is labeled as a Title III because the school services students who are Spanish speakers and students with limited English proficiency levels.