

  1. Unit Guide
  1. Overview
  2. Rationale
  3. Objectives/ Math Background
  4. Strategies
  5. Classroom Activities
  6. Resource
  7. Materials for Classroom Use
  8. Appendix
  9. Endnotes

Rice to Feed the World- Estimations on Rice Consumption and Production

Elaine Yee Lun Tam

Published September 2008

Tools for this Unit:

Objectives/ Math Background

Estimates of Population and Powers of Ten

One of the goals is for students to have a deeper understand of large numbers. For this unit, students will use population figures of different countries to learn about making estimations on the demand of rice to feed the people. It is important for students to be able to read, understand and manipulate the numbers that represent the population of different countries.

Expanded Form and Place Value

When students research for world population, they will come across large numbers with many digits. I think most of my students are able to read and write large numbers in both the compact form and expanded form. They are also somewhat familiar with rounding the numbers to various places. However, these skills are worth spending time to review so that all students are on level ground as we explore other ideas in the unit.

For the purpose of discussions in this section, I will use the estimated figure of the U.S. population 303,824,646 from the online World Factbook website 1. 303,824,646 is the compact form of writing this number. The English place value names from left to right are hundred millions, ten millions (this number has a zero holding the place), millions, hundred thousands, ten thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens and ones. This number reads as three hundred three million, eighty hundred twenty four thousand, six hundred forty six. The expanded form is the sum of values of all the places. This number in the expanded form is written as:

303,824,646 = 300,000,000 + 3,000,000 + 800,000 + 20,000 + 4000 + 600 + 40 + 6

It may seem simple, but reviewing the language for place value is important for my students. There are language differences in the way the numbers are grouped in English and Chinese. In English, numbers are read in groups of three and in Chinese, numbers are read in groups of four. The most confusing places are the ten thousands place and the hundred millions place. The value of 2 in the ten thousands place in this number is twenty thousand. In Chinese, ten thousand is presented by the word "wan4" (wan is the pinyin, Romanized spelling and 4 defines the tone); the value of 2 would be read as "two wan", not twenty wan. Students often mix the English and Chinese ways of saying these places.

Relative Place Value and Powers of Ten

In addition to reviewing place value names, we will review the meaning of the places and the relationship between the places. This leads us to the idea of the relative place value. When we talk about relative place value, the place to the left of any digit is ten times bigger and the place to the right is ten times smaller. For each place we move to the left, the value increases ten times.

Each digit in a base ten number stands for a multiple of a power of ten. The power represented by a digit depends on its place in the number. This is the principal of place value. For example, the leading digit 3 means 300,000,000 (three hundred million) and is written as 3 x10 8. The leading digit "3" is called the coefficient in this notation; "10" is the base and "8" is the exponent or the order of magnitude, which is the number of times the base is multiplied by itself.

3x10^8= 3 x (10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10) = 3 x 100,000,000 = 300,000,000.

The next 3 stands for 3,000,000 (3 millions or 3 x 10^6 ). If we write the expanded form of our number using the exponent notation, we have:

303,824,646 = 3 x 10^8 + 0 x 10^7+ 3 x 10^6 + 8 x 10^5 + 2 x 10^4 + 4 x 10^3 + 6 x 10^2 + 4 x 10^1 + 6 x 10^0

Each place value is now showing its order of magnitude. The exponents or the orders of magnitude are sequential as the places move to the left or right. Each increase or decrease of one in the order of magnitude means ten times bigger or smaller. This makes it very important to be sure that each digit is written in the correct place. That is why we put a zero as a placeholder when there is no component for that magnitude. Doing this lets us make sure each digit is in the correct place. For example, we can see that a zero is holding the place of the ten millions (0 x10^7). When we write all the terms out and show all the exponents, we do not actually have to write the terms corresponding to a zero in the number, because they do not contribute anything to the sum. However, when we write the usual compact form of the number, it is essential to write the zero, to make sure that each digit is in the place corresponding to its correct power of 10. In other words, we could drop the term 0 x10^7from the expanded form without changing the sum, but we could not leave the zero out of 303,824,646 without changing its meaning.

The orders of magnitude are useful for making comparisons. There are two 3s and two 6s in different places; they represent drastic differences in value. The first digit 3 on the left represents 300,000,000 = 3 x 10^8 (three hundred million) and the other 3 two places down presents 3,000,000 = 3 x 10^6 (three million). They are two orders of magnitude apart (8-6). The value of the first digit is one hundred times that of the other. Even though most students consider 3 million a large number, it is only one percent 1% of the leading digit 3, relatively small comparing to three hundred million.

There are two six's in this number, representing six and six hundred. Again, since the difference in places is two, one value is 100 times the other value. Students may consider 6 as a small number and six hundred a bigger number. However, comparing six hundred to three million, it is a relatively small part, and to three hundred million, it is an even smaller part of that number. The last three digits of the figure are not significant to the whole number in terms the value of the whole number.

Rounding and Orders of Magnitude

Comparing the value of the digits leads us to think about the significance of the digits in the numbers we use. In fact, population numbers are usually rounded to a few significant figures in powers of ten. Instead of using all specific digits, the U.S. population is usually rounded to 300,000,000 (three hundred million). What does dropping the other digits mean? If we divide the part that was dropped by the specific number, it only amounts to about 1.3% (3,824646/ 303,824646 = 0.0127). This is not a big part of the number.

More importantly, population numbers are not static numbers. There are many factors that affect the actual number of people in a country. Death, births and immigration are the three main factors that change the U. S. population numbers constantly. Probably no one actually knows what the population is, to within hundreds, or perhaps even thousands or ten thousands. The U.S. Census Bureau website 2 estimates one birth every 7 seconds, one death every 14 seconds and one migrant every 30 seconds. In summary, the U.S. population is increased by one person every 10 seconds, which is about 9,000 every day. According to this figure, the U.S. population will increase by about three million people each year, about 1% increase annually.

(1 person/ 10 seconds x 3600 seconds/ 1 hour x 24 hours/ 1 day x 365 days/ 1 year

= 3,153,600 persons)

One can find many different figures representing the U.S. population on the Internet. The July 2008 estimates from the World Factbook website provided the figure of 303,824,646 for our earlier discussions. Information on the Wikipedia web page projects the U.S. population to be 304,706,028. 3 The discrepancies in the figures reflect the difference in the calculations of the estimates, not the actual population number. The only part that is consistent, at least for now, is the first two leading digits 3 and 0 representing three hundred million. So it is safe to say that the population of the U.S. is about three hundred million. Rounded numbers can be easily notated in powers of ten. The U.S. population can be written as 3 x 10^8.

The idea of relative value helps to explain using rounded numbers in estimations. In general rounding rules, we round up to the next place value when a digit is 5 or more. If we are rounding in a place two or more to the right of the leading digit, the added value to the number is relatively small. Similarly, in rounding down, we are giving up a relatively small part of a number. In many situations, the acceptable relative error of estimation is within ten percent of a number because it is a relatively small amount compared with the whole number. If the rounding error is less than 1% of the whole number, we usually can ignore it, and if it is less than 0.1%, we can almost always ignore it.

One benefit of rounding is that the numbers are easier to work with in calculations. It would be cumbersome to do calculations using all the specific digits. With this in mind, in this unit, we will use population numbers of one to two non-zero digits.

Comparing rounded numbers expressed in powers of ten notations can be quite easy. The order of magnitude makes it clear right away which number is bigger. For example, compare the population of Hong Kong (7 x 10^6) and the population of Taiwan (2 x 10^7). Taiwan's population with a magnitude of seven tells us that the number is in the ten millions place. Hong Kong with a magnitude of six only has population in the millions. The order of magnitude (7 and 6) tells us that Taiwan has a lot more people than Hong Kong.

The order of magnitude also makes calculations of comparison easy. If we go on to ask how much bigger is Taiwan's population, students usually will resort to subtraction and find the difference of the numbers. Students may say that Taiwan is more populous than Hong Kong by thirteen million people (20,000,000-7,000,000 = 13,000,000). However, they can be challenged to go deeper by thinking about how many times bigger or smaller are the two numbers in comparison. We can rewrite the numbers to the same order of magnitude to make comparisons less complicated. Taiwan's population can be rewritten as 20 x 10^6 . If we divide two numbers, the powers of ten (10^6) will cancel out and we will have twenty divided by 7: (20 x 10^6 / 7 x 10^6 = 20/7), which is about 3. By this, we can see that Taiwan's population is about three times that of Hong Kong. In this unit, one of the goals is to train students to think about the difference in terms of multipliers or percentages when comparing two values. This way of thinking would be also useful when we compare the rice demands for countries with similar rice eating habits.

Scaling and Proportional Calculations

This kind of comparison leads us to our next topic of scaling and proportional calculations for finding estimates. Many children's books on estimation show clump or group counting strategies to find estimates. However it is presented, the core ideas are scaling and proportions. If we know a ratio of certain quantities, we can scale up for a larger quantity or scale down for a smaller quantity using proportions.

Unit Rate- Zong, a Meal Wrapped Up

For this unit, we will establish the zong as the portion to feed one person for one meal. The amount of rice that goes into one zong will be used for estimations throughout the unit. The unit of measure I have chosen is the gram. The metric units will work nicely in our calculations with the powers of ten when we scale up to large populations.

In the classroom, I would have the student do an activity to find the average weight of rice in a zong. Below is a description of a couple of ways I tried to determine how much rice goes in a zong without doing the student activity.

The first method is to look at recipes to see how much rice goes into one zong. I took the average of the quantities, which comes out to about 55g for each zong. (100g + 50g + 40g + 30g)/ 4 = 220g/4 = 55g

Another method I used is to work backwards from a previous experience. Last school year, I prepared a total of 10 pounds of rice for the zong cooking lesson. 10 pounds is approximately 4540 grams. (10lb x 454g/lb = 4540g) I estimated that we made about 100 zong. The average for each zong was about 45g. (4540g/100 zong = 45.4g)

The average of the two numbers comes out to 50g of rice for each zong (55g + 45g) / 2 = 50g). For the rest of the discussion and calculations here, I will use 50g of rice for each zong.

Scaling Up- Ratios and Proportions

When students have the quantity of rice in one zong, we can use this ratio to scale up to make estimates for our cooking lesson and other situations of rice demands. A proportion is set up with two equal ratios. We have one known ratio of 50g per zong. The other ratio will consist of the unknown part that we want to estimate. If we were given a population number, we can estimate how much rice we need. If an amount of rice is given, we can estimate how many people we can feed. For now, we will focus on how much rice we will need to feed people for one meal. We will look at two examples. First we will estimate for our cooking lesson, then we will estimate for the population of the U.S.

To find the amount of rice needed to make zong for our cooking lesson, we need to know how many zong to prepare or how many people to feed, assuming one zong for each person. We have 60 students in 6 th grade and about 25 staff in the school, and we can expect about 10 parent volunteers to help in this activity. If each person gets one zong, the minimum of zong to prepare is 95. To be sure we do not run short, it is always better to have more rather than not enough. We should round up to 100 to be sure we have enough zong for everyone. It is also easy to multiply by 100.

To find the total or rice for the cooing lesson, we can simply multiply the unit rate by the number of people (50g x 100). However, this may also be a good place to teach about setting up proportions. Below is the proportion to find the amount needed for the cooking lesson to prepare to feed 100 people. Labeling the units and correct placements of the ratios are important. The units of the ratios must match up for both sides. To solve for the proportion, we can cross multiply and then simplify.

x/ 100 people = 50g/ 1 person

x = (50g) (100) (cross multiply, units cancel out for people)

x = 5000g = 5kg (convert grams to kilograms)

This would be a natural place to introduce or discuss with the students about unit conversions. With 50g/ person, the amount for 100 people must be larger by one hundred times. Five does not sound like a reasonable solution. If students know that 1kg = 1000g, then the number 5 would make sense. (5000 g = 5kg) We cannot emphasize enough the importance of labeling the units in a proportion. It would be also appropriate to show students how we can use this estimate to help us make decisions in a real life situation. If possible, bring in bags of rice or advertisements with rice sale prices. Let students study the labels and decide how many bags or rice to buy. We want to buy the amount that is closest to what we need. However, sometimes our decision is also dependent on other factors, such as the size of the packages and the price of the goods.

Next we will estimate the amount of rice needed to make one zong for everyone in the U.S. We set up the proportion the same way with two equivalent ratios. Here I put the unknown value x on the top of the ratio. As long as the units in the ratios match on both sides of the equation, the proportion would work.

x /3x10^8people = 50g / 1 person

x = (50g) (3x10^8)

x = 150 x10^8g = 1.5 x10^10g (15 billion grams of rice)

The result is a large number in grams. The next natural step is to convert the number in to a more appropriate unit. Converting it to kilograms would still give us a very large number. We then convert it to an even bigger unit of measure, the metric ton. Students may not be very familiar with the metric ton, but they should be able to apply the methods of unit conversion for it is an important skill in 6 th grade. One of the goals of this unit is to help students develop understanding and skills in unit conversion.

Unit Conversions

The way of writing the conversions below is probably different from the presentations in our textbooks. I think this way would be clearer to the students. We take the number that we have and multiply it by the conversion rates of the desired units. Writing the numbers in the fraction form will help with dealing with the units. If the conversion multiplication equation is set up correctly, the units will cancel out as in reducing fractions, leaving us with the units of measure that we want. Students can also learn that it is easy to divide by powers of ten by subtracting the exponents. Convert the 1.5 x10^10g to kilograms results in fifteen million kilograms. It is still quite a large number. We can further convert it to a larger unit, the metric ton. One metric ton is equal to 1,000,000g or 1000kg. Convert the grams to metric tons:

1.5 x 10^10g/ 1 x 1kg / 1000g x 1t/ 1000kg = 1.5 x 10^4 t (fifteen thousand metric tons)

This is a very large number and may be difficult for students to imagine how much rice this number represents. To help students to visualize the amount rice, we will introduce the idea of storage space. How big a space does it need to hold this amount of rice? Another application of proportions in this unit is translating from the mass of rice to volume when we explore the storage space issue.

Rice storage

Mass and Base Area

The purpose of the explorations on area is to prepare the students to make estimations in storage solutions and land needed in the production of rice. The volume of a rectangular prism is the base area times the height of the prism. A review on finding areas is a natural start to this section. Students will start by comparing the areas of squares.

For example, compare the areas of a square with sides of 4cm and one with sides of 6cm. The area of the 4cm square is 16 cm 2 and the 6cm square is 36 cm 2. In fact, with a difference of only 2cm in length on each side, the area of the 6cm square is more than doubled than that of the 4cm square. It is hard to see or predict the difference in size when we compare the sides of the squares by subtraction (6cm-4cm =2cm). However, comparing the sides of the squares in a ratio makes mathematical sense. The ratio of 6 cm to 4 cm shows that it is 1.5 bigger on each side. The square of this factor (1.5 x 1.5) shows that the area is 2.25 times bigger. An example with whole numbers may be easier for students to grasp the idea. The area of a 3 cm square is 9cm 2. If the sides doubled in length, the larger square's area (6cm x 6cm = 36cm 2) will be four times the original size. 36cm m ^ 2/ 9cm^2 gives the ratio of 4 to 1.

The same kind of ratio of change would apply to the rectangle. The area of a rectangle is its width times the height. In similar rectangles, the ratio of the change can be determined by finding the factor of change of the length and multiply by the factor of change of the width.

Now, relate this to our rice estimates. We can start by spreading 50g of rice in one single layer in a rectangle. I used a picture frame to help with this. The edge of the frame was helpful to contain the rice in the rectangular shape. The width of the frame is 20cm. 50g of rice filled up to the 15cm mark. The area of the rectangle is 300cm^2. Now we have the basic ratio of 50g to 300 cm^2. This means that one gram of rice covers approximately 300/50 = 6 cm^2.

Students can use this ratio to calculate how much space is needed to spread out the rice for our cooking lesson or other populations. For example, we estimated 5kg of rice for our cooking lesson. Using proportions, we will get:

x / 5kg = 300 cm^2/ 50g

x / 5000g = 300 cm^2/ 50g

x = 300 cm^2 x 100 (We can also simply multiply by 100 for 100 people)

x = 30,000 cm^2 = 3m^2

It would be impractical to really spread out the rice. But this is a good opportunity for students to discuss the dimensions of the rectangle that would give us this area. If it's a square, the sides are about 173cm each (square root of 30,000 cm^2). A rectangle of this area can be 1m x 3m, 2m x 1.5cm, 600cm x 50cm, 500cm x 60cm, etc. This discussion is to start the students thinking about the base area of a prism as we move into relating the mass to volume.

Mass and Volume

We can apply the same idea of change in area ratio to volume by adding the height dimension. The volume of the rectangular prism will change according to the ratio of the change in the length, width and height.

We will compare cubes with sides of 4cm and 6cm. With only 2 cm in the length of the sides, how much bigger is the 6 cm cube? Again, looking at the ratio of growth of the sides, not by subtraction, would give us a better idea of the change in the volume. The base area of the larger cube is 2.25 times bigger than that of the smaller cube. We can multiply 2.25 by the growth in the height, which is 1.25, to find the change in volume (2.25 x 1.5 = 3.375). The volume of the 6cm cube is more than 3 times but smaller than 4 times the volume of the 4cm cube. The actual volume of the 4cm cube is 64cm^3 and the 6cm cube is 216c^3.

To estimate rice storage space, we need to first establish a ratio of mass to volume. In the classroom we will build rectangles or squares with Cuisenaire rods. The rods will form wells with the height of 1cm. Students can fill the wells and then measure the weight of the rice.

I poured the 50g of rice into a 4cm cube made out of paper. The rice filled up the cube to about 3cm high. The volume of the 50g of rice comes out to 48 cm^3 (4cm x 4cm x 3cm = 48cm^3). I think students will find the area and volume figures surprising (the area of 300 cm^3 and the volume of 48cm^3) since they both represent 50g of rice. However, if we think about the height of the rice in the box, the rice is stacked in layers. Dividing 300cm^2 by the base area of the 4cm cube, we see that there should be about 19 layers of rice (300cm^3/ 16cm^2 = 18.75). That would mean that there are about 6 layers of rice in a stack one centimeter high. Area and volume figures are two different things and cannot be compared side by side. This is an opportunity to reinforce the importance of labeling area and volume units correctly.

To estimate for volume, I rounded 48cm^3 to 50 cm^3. I then converted the ratio to larger units (50cm^3/ 50g = 1cm^3/ 1g = 1dm^3/ 1kg = 1m^3/t).

The amount of rice we estimated for the zong cooking lesson is 5 kg. The estimated volume using this ratio is 5000 cm^3 (1dm^3/ 1kg x 5kg = 5dm^3= 5000 cm^3). During the teaching of the unit, we can probably compare the actual volume of the rice with the estimated volume.

The ratio 1m^3/t is a little smaller than the standard hulled rice weight to mass conversion ratio. But I think it still gives a general idea of the size of the piles of the rice. I have big computer boxes that are close to 1m 3 in size that will make a good visual for the volume of 1 metric ton of rice.

The mass and volume ratio of hulled rice is 1.328 cubic meters to 1 metric ton according to the website. We will round the ratio to 1.3. We have determined that we need 15,000 metric tons of rice to make one zong for each person in the U.S. Using 1.3m^3/ t, we set up this proportion to estimate for the U.S. population:

x/ 15,000 t = 1.3 m^3/ 1t

x = 1.3 m^3/t x 15,000t (this is the simple step without setting up the proportion.)

x = 13 m^3 x 1,500

x = 19,500 m^3

For the ease of calculation, we can round 19,500m 3 to 20,000 m^3. It is a 2.5 % change in value, which is a relatively small difference, but it is much easier to find the dimensions for our storage solutions. Now we will explore the dimensions of rectangular prisms that have this volume. Below are some examples of heights, widths and lengths:

Base Area
Width x Height
200m 100m2 5m x 20m, 10m x 10m
100m 200m2 5m x 40m, 10m x 20m
50m 400m2 10m x 40m, 20m x 20m
40m 500m2 10m x 50m. 20m x 25m
20m 1000m2 10m x 100m. 20m x 50m, 40m x 25m
10m 2000m2 20m x 100m, 40m x 50m

It may be good to compare the dimensions on the list with the classroom or school building to make a visual connection. Some of these dimensions are not practical dimensions for rice storage, for example, the walls may not hold up to the weight of the rice if the footprint is small and the walls are tall. This is a good place to have a discussion with students on the criteria for deciding which dimension is best.

Rice Production- Land Area

The last idea we will explore is how much land is needed to produce the rice that we need. USDA's Rice Outlook report on rice production stated the global rice yield of 4.1 metric tons per hectare (rough-basis) 4 in the last few years. Polished rice, or white rice, is about 68% of the weight of rough rice. 5 The production figure is adjusted to 2.78 t/ ha. (4.1t/ ha x 68% = 2.78t/ ha) The change of 2.78 to 2.8 is less than 1%. The change from 2.78 to 3 is about 8%. This is noticeable but not too large. I choose to use 2.8t/ ha for the calculations below to estimate for the land needed to produce the rice for our cooking lesson. I thought it would be easier for students to figure out the possible lengths and widths of the rectangle area of 18m 2. However, we can probably round to 3t/ ha for other calculations. Here is the conversion from metric tons per hectare to grams per square meter:

2.8t/ 1 ha x 1 ha/ 10,000m^2 x 1000kg/ 1t = 2.8kg/ 10m^2 x 1000g/ 1kg = 280g/ 1m^2

The land needed to cultivate the 5kg of rice for our zong cooking lesson is about 18m 2 of land:

28kg/ 100m^2 = 5kg/ x

x = (5 x 100/ 28)m m ^ 2= 17.86m^2 = 18m^2

18 square meters could have several dimensions: (2m x 9m, 3m x 6m, 1m x 18m). It would be interesting for students to see how to fit this space in the classroom. An extension can be to find out how much rice we can grow in the classroom.

So far, all the estimation we made has been for one meal for one person. For extension and practice of the estimation concepts, we can have the students discuss and compare rice eating habits of their families and different cultures and what effects will that have on the demand of rice. We can add the time element to our estimations. Instead of estimating for one meal, we can estimate for a day, a week, a month, a year, etc. The students will have the opportunity to explore these estimations in their unit projects.


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