

  1. Unit Guide
  1. Overview
  2. Rationale
  3. Objectives/ Math Background
  4. Strategies
  5. Classroom Activities
  6. Resource
  7. Materials for Classroom Use
  8. Appendix
  9. Endnotes

Rice to Feed the World- Estimations on Rice Consumption and Production

Elaine Yee Lun Tam

Published September 2008

Tools for this Unit:



Countries Population Rounded to One Significant Digit Rounded to Two Significant Digits
World 6,671,226,000 7x109 6.7x109
China 1,324,891,000 1x109 1.3x109
India 1,135,273,000 1x109 1.1x109
United States 304,575,000 3x108 3.0x108
Brazil 187,242,000 2x108 1.9x108
Japan 127,690,000 1x108 1.3x108
Mexico 110,009,988 1x108 1.1x108
Egypt 75,046,000 8x107 7.5x107
United Kingdom 60,587,300 6x107 6.1x107
Italy 59,619,290 6x107 6.0x107
Spain 46,063,000 5x107 4.6x107
California 38049,462 4x107 4.8x107
Canada 33,315,700 3x107 3.3x107
Taiwan 22,990,000 2x107 2.3x107
Greece 11,147,000 1x107 1.1x107
Israel 7,282,400 7x106 7.2x106
Hong Kong, SAR 6,963,100 7x106 7.0x106
Ireland 4,339,000 4x106 4.3x106
San Francisco 824525 8x105 8.4x105
Macau 538,100 5x105 5.4x105
Bahamas 331,000 3x105 3.3x105
Bermuda 65,000 7x104 6.5 x104
Monaco 33,000 3x104 3.3 x104
Cook Island 20,200 2x104 2.0 x104
Vatican City 800 8x102 8.0 x102

Unit Conversions


The standard metric unit of mass is 1 gram (g).

1 kilogram (kg) = 1000 g

1 metric ton (t) = 1,000,000 g =1000 kg


The standard metric unit of length is 1 centimeter (cm).

1 decimeter (dm) = 10 cm

1 meter (m) = 100 cm

1 hectometer (hm) = 100 m

1 kilometer (km) = 1000 m


1 m 2 = 100 cm x 100 cm =10,000 cm^2

1 hectare (ha) = 100 m x 100 m = 10,000 m^2

1 km 2 = 1,000,000 m^2 = 100 hectares


1 dm^3= 1000 cm^3

1 m^3= 1000 dm^3

Weight to Volume

1 metric ton = 1.328 cubic meter

Implementing District Standards

The San Francisco Unified School District adapts the Math Contents Standards from the Mathematics Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (2005). This unit addresses concepts in three main strands. 6

Strand: Number Sense

Standard 1.0 Students compare and order positive and negative fractions, decimals, and mixed numbers. Students solve problems involving fractions, ratios, proportions, and percentages: 1.2, 1.3- Students set up proportions to estimate mass, area and volume relating to rice.

Standard 2.0 Students calculate and solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3- Students use the rate of rice quantity to estimate for larger populations and convert to appropriate units of measurement.

Strand: Measurement and Geometry

Standard 1.0 Students deepen their understanding of the measurement of plane and solid shapes and use this understanding to solve problems: Students explore scaling factors of area and volume to find rice storage solutions.

Strand: Mathematical Reasoning

Standard 1.0 Students make decisions about how to approach problems: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3- Students learn to understand a problem and how to break the problem into smaller parts. They determine the relevant and missing information and device a plan to solve the problem.

Standard 2.0 Students use strategies, skills, and concepts in finding solutions: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7- Students apply strategies from simpler problems to more complex problems by using logical reasoning and arithmetic techniques. They learn to use appropriate math notation to express solutions and communicate the methods and the reasonableness of their calculations. Students approach problems more than one way and explain the mathematical reasoning for the differences and similarities of the methods.

Standard 3.0 Students move beyond a particular problem by generalizing to other situations: 3.1, 3.2, 3- Students will design a problem and a plan to solve it by utilizing the skills throughout the unit.


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