Nutrition, Metabolism, and Diabetes


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Overview
  2. Demographics
  3. Rational
  4. Background
  5. Food Science Study
  6. Developing Student Leaders through Nutritional Empowerment
  7. Strategies
  8. Classroom Activities
  9. Assessment
  10. Notes
  11. Appendix
  12. Bibliography

Developing Student Leaders through Nutritional Empowerment

Cynthia Baker Woolery

Published September 2008

Tools for this Unit:


Food is often thought of as just one of life's basic need- and yet it is so much more. When I become ill, the first thing I think about is drinking hot jello. It is my comfort food, the special drink my mom would make me when I had to stay home from school due to sickness. Christmas time is filled with favorite traditional foods such as jelled cranberries and sweet potato casserole. From watermelon at our July 4 th cookout to turkey at Thanksgiving, food is central to bringing people together. Daily we make many decisions about what we put into our mouths.

Elementary students build an understanding of biological concepts through direct experiences. These experiences emerge from the student's natural interests and sense of wonder. Students ask questions such as: "Where does the food we eat go? How does food fuel our bodies? What are the best kinds of food to eat? What can I do to be healthy?"

This unit is based on my fourth grade students taking what they have learned about making wise, informed and healthy choices and challenging them to excel in ways that are meaningful to themselves by passing nutritional information along to others in the form of a Service Learning Project. Through this unit I will encourage students to express themselves in creative ways, to develop their own ideas, and to think critically while sharing their knowledge with others. Designed to empower students to take ownership of their own learning, this unit will build leadership skills and communication skills through service to others.


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