Student Books
Miller,Edward. The Monster Health Book. New York: Holiday House, 2006.
Will be a useful resource for my ELL students because they can relate to the cute illustrations and easily identify to the monsters. Students could use this book as a template to create their own project to use with younger students.
Patent,Dorthy H.. Nutrition What's in the Food We Eat. New York: Holiday House, 1992.
Dr. Patent gives a precise description of different types of food and the roles they play in our bodies. Easy to understand description of how food is digested and converted to energy.
Leedy,Loreen. The Edible Pyramid Good Eating Every Day. New York, New York: Holiday House, 2007.
This is a wonderful book to introduce the U.S. Department of Agriculture's newly redesigned food pyramid. This is a very easy read with fun illustrations.
Royston,Angela. Under the Microscope-Digesting- How we fuel the body. Danbury, CT: Groier Education, 1998.
Excellent pictures, easy to grasp explanations of how our digestion system works. A must have for everyone who is teaching a nutrition unit!
Shryer,Donna. Body Fuel A Guide to Good Nutrition. New York, New York: Benchmark Books, 2008.
Provides a basic, comprehensive introduction to human nutrition, including information on how nutrients fuel the body. Included in the book is a review of the food pyramid and how to read labels to make healthy food choices.
Smith,Alastair. What Happens to Your Food?. Tulsa, OK: Usborne , 1997.
Wonderful Flip/Flap paperback book that uses illustrations and words to answer questions that student's might ask such as "What is food for?" and "What happens in your stomach?"
Ward,Brain R.. Food and Digestion. Franklin Watts Inc. , 1983.
Nice illustrations and simple explanations of how our digestive system works.
Teacher Readings
Demas,Antonia. Food is Elementary A Hands-on Curriculum for Young Students. Trumansburg, NY: Food Studies Institute, Inc., 2001.
A curriculum with great lesson plans that students can perform. An added bonus is that in the second semester lessons he looks at nutrition from around the world. A great way to integrate Social Studies and connect to students from around the world.
Evers,Connie L.. How to Teach Nutrition to Kids an Integrated, Creative Approach to Nutrition Education. Tigard, OR: 24 Carrot Press, 1996.
This book has great nutrition education activities and strategies that are kid-tested and teacher-endorsed. This book is an excellent resource for easy to use lessons, effectively integrates nutrition into the classroom and is divided by subject.
Pollan,Michael. In Defense of Food: an Eater's Manifesto. New York: The Penguin Press, 2008
Interesting background material for this unit, with the main idea of eat food, not too much, mostly plants. This book will help you find the passion and purpose of why nutrition is such a valuable subject to teach.
Willett,Walter C.. Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy The Harvard Medical School Guide to Healthy Eating. New York: Free Press, 2001.
Dr. Willett contention is that the USDA Food Pyramid should be critically looked at and has therefore created his own New Healthy Eating Pyramid. I agree that his Pyramid does seem healthier. I will be using the information from this book and the New Healthy Eating Pyramid in this unit.
Web Sources
Cyser Software, Inc., (accessed June 2008).
Use the online account to enter your daily foods and exercise. FitDay analyzes all your information and shows you a read out of calories and exercise. Students will enjoy tracking themselves.
Family Health Network, (accessed June, 2008).
The Food Database holds the nutritional information for over 50,000 American generic and brand name foods (including over 260 fast-food chains). There is a wide range information available including calorie count charts, fat content, fiber content, protein content and much more. This site is useful to look up typical meals from fast food chains.
FDA/Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition, (accessed June, 2008).
Great web site that explains in detail how to read food labels. Students will enjoy working and counting calories on this site.
Hartcourt School Publishers, (accessed June 2008).
This is an interactive web site where students can place all of the digestive system parts together to complete the puzzle. Students love this site!
The Naked Scientists, (accessed June 2008).
Description of experiment using bread to taste how it changes to a sweet in your mouth.
Nemours Foundation, (accessed June, 2008).
Kids Heath provides general health and nutrition with separate areas for kids.
United States Department of Agriculture, (accessed June, 2008).
Learn about My Pyramid at this web site. Information about serving sizes and specific foods that fall into each category is readily available. Interactive game students will enjoy is also available.
USDA, (accessed June 2008).
This is a 2 minute introduction to how and why the Pyramid was created by the USDA. Good introduction and background information to help students understand the importance of exercise along with a balanced meal.