Storytelling around the Globe


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Objectives
  3. Strategies
  4. Additional information about Trailers
  5. Highlights in the History of Filmmaking and Movie Posters
  6. Activities
  7. Lesson Plan 1: Ten Thumbnail Sketches for the Poster
  8. Lesson Plan 2: Demonstration of and Experimentation with Different Media and Techniques
  9. Lesson Plan 3: The Creation of the Movie Poster
  10. Notes
  11. Bibliography for Teachers
  12. Reading List for Students
  13. Materials for Classroom Use
  14. Delaware Sate Art Standards and their Implementation

Movie Posters: Capturing the Essence of a Story

Karen Ruth Sturdy Yarnall

Published September 2009

Tools for this Unit:

Lesson Plan 1: Ten Thumbnail Sketches for the Poster

The objective of this lesson is for students to plan, design, and execute multiple solutions to the challenge of creating a movie poster. They must select and apply their knowledge of the elements of art and principles of design to communicate the intended message of the poster. In preparation for this lesson, students are supposed to bring in a list of possible films along with the film's taglines and the key scene or one moment in the story that graphically communicates the feeling of the whole story. They should also have an alternant important moment so that one of the thumbnails will include both images combined effectively. They will be encouraged to write their own taglines. This homework will have been assigned at the beginning of the unit so that they will have had adequate time to reflect on possibilities. After narrowing their film lists down to one choice, they will then draw a minimum of 10 thumbnail sketches. Two of the sketches must contain simplified but effective abstract images. One must contain the images from the two key moments. Students can refer to the posters on the walls and the wealth of examples in my power point presentation.

This is a one-period exercise but the thumbnails can be taken home for completion. The students will be told that their sketches will be hung up and individually discussed by the entire class the next class period. Students will then work on sketches for the final design which may or may not incorporate elements from multiple sketches.

Materials will include library film books for students who did not come prepared with a list along with the laptop for researching taglines and posters, sketching paper, pencils, erasers, colored pencils, and markers.


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