Student Resources
Brandenberg, Aliki. William Shakespeare & the Globe. China: Harper Collins Publisher, 1999.
This children's literature book is written in a play format introducing Shakespeare to young or struggling readers of English.
Chrisp, Peter. Welcome to the Globe: The Story of Shakespeare. New York: Dorling Kindersley Limted, 2000.
This DK book describes activities that occurred at the Globe Theater through its'
characters to explain what they did during this exciting time period.
Dunton-Deowner, Leslie and Alan Riding. Essential Shakespeare Handbook. New York: Dorling Kindersley Limited, 2004.
A comprehensive guidebook to William Shakespeare's life and works.
Farrens, Brian. Graphic Shakespeare: William Shakespeare's King Lear. Edina: Magic Wagon, 2009.
A graphic novel version of King Lear. Easier English text is available.
Ford, Michael. Graphic Classics: Julius Caesar/William Shakespeare. Hauppauge: Barron's Educational Series, Inc.
Excellent graphic version of Julius Caesar. Characters are introduced at the beginning and the illustrations are well done.
Mannis, Celeste Davidson. Who Was William Shakespeare? New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 2006.
This resource explains historical facts about Shakespeare's life. The illustrations will captivate even your most reluctant readers!
Nesbit, E. The Children's Shakespeare. Chicago: Academy Chicago Publishers, 2000.
A variety of Shakespeare's plays are re-written (illustrations included) into children's stories.
No Fear Shakespeare/Graphic Novels: Hamlet. New York: Spark Publishing, 2008.
Black and white comic strip feel-to-it version. Students will be entertained by the writing and the illustrations all the while understanding Shakespeare's play.
Williams, Marcia. Bravo, Mr. William Shakespeare! London: Walker Books and Subsidiaries, 2000.
The vivid comics give meaning to the play's plots and characters.
Williams, Marcia. Tales from Shakespeare. Cambridge: Candlewick Press, 1998.
The vivid comics give meaning to Shakespeare's various plays.