The Sound of Words: An Introduction to Poetry


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Background
  3. Objectives
  4. Strategies
  5. Lesson 1
  6. Lesson 2
  7. Lesson 3
  8. Bibliography for Teachers
  9. District Standards
  10. Endnotes

The Sound of Poetry

Melissa Anne Dailey

Published September 2009

Tools for this Unit:

Lesson 2

Initiation: Prompt on the board: Write a sentence about the sea. Turn that sentence into a poem by repeating and manipulating the sentence. You may only use that one sentence.

Background: Today we will be reading a poem by May Swenson and a poem by William Carlos Williams. May Swenson experiments with poetry in the same way you did at the beginning of class. William Carlos Williams experiments with imagery as well as sound.

Guided Practice: We read each poem, "The Yachts" and "Overboard" out loud. Through discussion we compare the use of sound in each of the poems. We evaluate how Swenson manipulates the rhythm with repetition and sentence structure. We also look at how Williams creates sound with the alliteration and words that conjure the image of sounds.

Closure: How is sound in each poem different?


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