The Sound of Words: An Introduction to Poetry


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Background
  3. Objectives
  4. Strategies
  5. Lesson 1
  6. Lesson 2
  7. Lesson 3
  8. Bibliography for Teachers
  9. District Standards
  10. Endnotes

The Sound of Poetry

Melissa Anne Dailey

Published September 2009

Tools for this Unit:

Lesson 3

Initiation: Writing prompt on the board when students enter the room: What do you remember about the Odyssey? What do you remember from the poetry we read at the beginning of the unit with "The Seafarer" and "Canto 1"?     

Background/Model: If students do not remember the Odyssey, I refresh their memories about who Penelope is and who the sirens are. We then read "Penelope's Song" and "Siren Song" out loud.

Guided/Individual Practice: I ask the students to respond to the following questions in their journals. In what ways are these two poems taking a different kind of stance on the theme of Odysseus as presented in the beginning of the unit? How is the perspective different? What sounds do you hear in the poems? How do the writers convey their messages? Once the students have had time to mull over the questions we have a discussion.

Closure: Students write an exit slip explaining what they learned today.


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