In the early 1900s laws were passed to protect certain animals. It was not until 1973 when the U. S. government passed the Endangered Species Act (ESA) that the government set in motion its best effort to stop the loss of America's unique wildlife. This Act lists species that are in danger of becoming extinct. The Act makes it illegal to disturb, harass, harm, shoot, wound, kill, trap, pursue, capture, or collect any of the species on the list. The Act not only protects the listed species but also the habitat these creatures need in order to survive.
When scientists discover that a species is in danger of extinction ("endangered"), or in danger of becoming endangered ("threatened"), it is put on a list compiled by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration B Fisheries (NOAA) The NOAA focuses on marine species only. These agencies are required to use the most rigorous science available to develop common sense solutions to prevent the extinction of listed species.
As of July, 2009, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service reported there are 571 animals on the list. Of the animals listed, 468 have a recovery plan in place. (3) These plans guide protection efforts toward arresting and reversing the decline in a species' population, and removing threats to that species' survival in the wild.
If information shows that a population of a threatened species is getting smaller, the species could be reclassified as an endangered species. If the population of an endangered species gets larger, it could be changed to a threatened species, or downlisted. If the population of a species increases large enough, it could be taken off the list entirely. There are many at-risk species that cannot be considered for listing until more research is done. The only way a species can be added to the list, removed from it, or reclassified is through an act of Congress.
When a species is listed, the government is required by law to designate its "critical habitat." The Act defines "critical habitat" as those geographical areas: that are essential for bringing an endangered or threatened species to the point where it no longer needs the legal protections of the Act; and which may require special management considerations or protection. (4)) This critical habitat consists of those areas that must be managed to permit an endangered species to recover to a level where it is safe from the danger of extinction.
One of the central goals of the Act is the preservation of the ecosystems that the threatened or endangered species depends upon for their survival and recovery. By preserving the critical habitat it helps to ensure that other native species that rely on the same habitat do not also become threatened or endangered.