Albadalejo Mayordomo, Tomás. Retórica. Editorial Síntesis: Madrid, 1989.
Exhaustive study of rhetoric.
Aristóteles. Retórica. Editorial Aguilar: Madrid, 1968.
Ancient treatise on rhetoric.
Caballero, Manuel. La gestación de Hugo Chávez: 40 años de luces y sombras en la democracia venezolana. Editorial Catarata: Madrid, c2000.
Interpretation of the events happened in Venezuela in the 40 years of "puntofijismo."
Cannon, Barry. Hugo Chávez and the Bolivarian Revolution. Manchester University Press: New York, 2009.
Comprehensive and critical analysis of Chavez´s emergence, his economic, social and foreign policies.
Chávez Frías, Hugo. Frases. Ministerio de Comunicación e Información: Caracas, 2006. Good example of propagandistic literature.
Gott, Richard. Hugo Chávez and the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela. Verso: New York, 2005.
Comprehensive grasp of the history of Venezuela.
Gott, Richard. In the Shadow of the Liberator: Hugo Chávez and the Transformation of Venezuela. London: Verso, 2000.
Close look to Hugo Chávez and his controversial figure from a historical perspective.
Grijelmo, Alex. La seducción de las palabras: un recorrido por las manipulaciones del pensamiento. Taurus: Madrid, 2000.
This work analyzes countless examples on how to use language and words in order to alter others perception of reality.
Kozloff, Nicolás. Hugo Chávez: Oil, Politics and the Challenge to the United States. Palgrave Macmillan: New York, c.2006.
Exhaustive look at Venezuela´s president.
López Eire, Antonio y Santiago Guervós, Javier de. Retórica y comunicación política. Cátedra: Madrid, 2000.
Manual of Rhetoric.
Marcano, Cristina. Hugo Chávez sin uniforme. Random House: New York, 2007.
Biographical information about Chávez, the work offers materials to approach the personality and ideas of the politician.
Plett, Heinrich F. Retórica: posturas críticas sobre el estado de la investigación. Visor Libros: Madrid, 2002.
The work deepens into central questions of traditional rhetoric. Exhaustive vision of rhetoric. Easy to read.
Roberts Miller, Patricia. "Democracy, Demagogue, and Critical Rhetoric" in Rhetoric & Public Affairs. Vol. 8, No. 3, 2005, pp. 459–476.
Detailed well–written article on demagoguery. Very complete and easy to read.
Temprano, Emilio. Contra la demagogia: introducción al arte de manipular a las masas. Editorial Tecnos: Madrid, c1999.
Complete analysis on demagoguery and its features.