Other Resources
–Diccionario de la Real Academia, vigésima segunda edición. http://www.rae.es/rae.html (accessed July 11, 2010.)
–Information, Proquest, and Learning. World Edition, 2010: CultureGrams: The Americas, Volume 4. New York: Proquest Information And Learning, 2010.
–Personalidades de la Cultura Hispana. UW Madison Department of Spanish and Portuguese. 29 Oct. 2006. Web. Transcript. (It is in MLA, I do not know how to cite it in Chicago)
–Post, Jerrold M. "El Fenómeno Chávez" Hugo Chávez of Venezuela, Modern Day Bolívar. http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS105353 (accessed June 28, 2010.)
–Project MUSE. Project MUSE. http://muse.jhu.edu/ (accessed August 12, 2010).
–NPR. Chavez´s "Devil" Remark & Global Protocol. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=6111995 (accessed August 11, 2010)