Annotated Bibliography, Citations and Resources
Bibliography / Works Cited
Atlter Jonathan. The Promise - President Obama, Year One. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 2010. This book provides an early inside look into Obama presidency. The author does not talk directly about Obama's rhetoric, but gives a detailed account of policies and leadership style.
Benjamin, Herold. Teacher Quality Inequitable in Philadelphia's Schools. Education Research, Philadelphia: Research for Action, Summer 2005. This report provides insights into teacher quality and the dynamics of racial diversity in Philadelphia public schools.
Bobin A. David A. The Rhetoric of Redemption, Kenneth Burke's Redemption Drama and Martin Luther King, Jr's "I Have a Dream Speech." Lanham, MD: Rowan & Littlefield, 2004. This book delves into King's rhetorical style and provides historical context King's iconic speech.
Heinrichs Jay. Thank you for Arguing: What Aristotle , Lincoln, and Homer Simpson Can Teach Us about the Art of Persuasion. New York, NY: Three Rivers Press, 2007. A must read for any teachers wanting to apply rhetoric to their practice. Heinrich makes Aristotle's concepts practical and easy to understand.
Hendon Rickey. Black Enough/White Enough, The Obama Dilemma Chicago, IL: Third World Press, 2009. An easy to read book written in a journal entry style. The analysis of the Obama's racial dilemma is not as probing as the title may suggest.
Jackson, Derick Z. "Nuanced Genius Part Two." In The Speech - Race and Barack Obama's "A More Perfect Union", by T . Denean Sharpley-Whiting, 113-118. New York: Bloomsbury, USA, 2009. This essay deals with how Obama nuanced race in his game changing speech.
King, Martin L., Jr. A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings of Martin Luther King Jr. M. Washington (Editor). New York: Harper & Row, 1986. This anthology provides a comprehensive collection of King's speeches, writings interviews and
autobiographical reflections.
Learning Point Associates. "Before During After." North Carolina Regional Educational Lab. 1995. (accessed July 8, 2010).This site provide tips on implementing BDA reading strategies.
Marrable, Manning. Beyond Black and White. London: Verso, 1995. This book provides thought provoking essays on how race is contstantly being redefined in America.
Mostern, Keneneth. Autobiography and Black Identity Politics – Radicalization in Twentieth Century America. Cambridge, UK: 1999. This book provides an academic narrative of black identity covering slavery to the post civil rights era.
Obama, Barack. (Maureen Harrison & Steve Gilbert, editors) Speeches on the Road to the White House Carlsbad, CA.: Excellent Books, 2009. Book provides an anthology of 30 major speeches giving by Obama.
Olive David. An American Story- The Speeches of Barack Obama. Toronto. ONT: ECW Press, 2008. This book provides 23 speeches with annotated commentary.
Reminick, David. The Bridge- The Lfie and Rise of Barack Obama. New York: Alfred A
Knopf, 2010. As the title suggest, this book literally and figuratively provides a bridge
that connects Obama's narrative and rhetoric to the Civil Rights era that spawned him.
Sharpley-Whiting, T. Denean. "Chlorform Morning Joe." In The Speech - Race and Barack Obama's " A More Perfect Union", by T. Denean Sharpley-Whiting, 1-18. New York : Bloomsbury, USA, 2009. Sharpley is the editor of sharp essays that provide critical insights for making meaning of Obama's speech on race.Womack
Ytasha L. Post Black – A New Generation is Redefining African American Identity. Chicago, IL: Lawrence Hill Books, 2010. Womack's book deals with the changing black identity of the post Civil Rights age.