Persuasion in Democratic Politics


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Overview:
  2. Rationale:
  3. Objectives
  4. Strategies
  5. Classroom Activities / Lesson Plans
  6. Annotated Bibliography, Citations and Resources
  7. Teacher Resources
  8. Student's Resources
  9. Appendix
  10. Appendix 2: Sample Rubric for Evaluating Students Digital Projects.

Barack Obama's Rhetoric: The Trajectory of a Post-Racial America?

Samuel A. Reed

Published September 2010

Tools for this Unit:

Teacher Resources

Educblogs. "Bloging for Teachers Students": (accessed July 8, 2010). This site provides a space to design, develop and manage blogs for school projects.

Fairey Shepard & Gross Jennifer. Editors. Art for Obama : Designing Manifest Hope and the Campaign for Change New York: Abrams Image, 2009. This book contains wonderful posters, portraits and illustrations of art inspired by Obama change metaphor. This is great accommodation resource for visual learners.

International Reading Association & National Council of Teachers of English. ReadWrite Think: Venn Diagram. (accessed July 8, 2010) This link provides interactive Venn diagrams to compare and contrast different speeches or biographies.

Just Read Now. Frayer Model: Graphic Organizer. (accessed July 20, 2010). This link provides strategies and a template for vocabulary squares.

Middle School Debate Program. "Rubric for Middle School Debate" (accessed July 20, 2010). This link provides a comprehensive rubric for evaluating middle school debaters.

Parker, Diane. Planning for Inquiry: It's not an oxymoron. Urbana: National Council of Teachers of English, 2007. This book provides tips and strategies for implementing inquiry at the lower and upper elementary grade levels.

PSSA Test Taking Strategies. . (accessed July 8, 2010). This link provides a graphic organizer to support students in responding to open ended questions.

Scholastic. Junior Scholastic Magazine Editorial Highlights. . (accessed July 20, 2010).This site is well suited to supplement social studies curriculum. Each issue covers topical subjects like first amendment rights, popular culture studies, etc.

Southern Poverty Law Center.Teaching Tolerance. (accessed July 8, 2010).Teaching Tolerance provides resources and grants to help reduce prejudice and promote diveristy.


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