Nanotechnology and Human Health


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Student Background
  3. Rationale
  4. Unit Course Objectives
  5. Unit Background Part One- What is the significance of size?
  6. Background Information Part 2- Nanotechnology and its applications
  7. Unit Implementation Strategies
  8. Lesson #1 Measurement and Size Relativity
  9. Lesson #2 Biology and Scaling
  10. Summary
  11. Bibliography
  12. Appendix A- Materials for Lesson #1
  13. Appendix B- Materials for Lesson #2 - 1.The Biology of B- Movie Monsters Questions
  14. 2. Build a Monster Activity
  15. Appendix C- Nanotechnology and its Applications Resources
  16. Appendix D- Suggested media relating to size, if time permits in your lesson planning:

The Relative Nature of Size in Biological Sciences: Let's Start Small and Work Our Way Up

Conchita LaShay Austin

Published September 2010

Tools for this Unit:

2. Build a Monster Activity

Build a Monster

Now that you observed the monsters in B-movies, it is now time to see what you have learned and demonstrate your creativity.

Your mission-and you have no choice but to accept it- is to build your own miniature or gigantic monster of your own.


You will use the following guidelines:

  1. Choose whether or not your creature is going to be 6cm tall or 60 meters tall.
  2. Describe the daily activities of your creature and the obstacles it would face if it lived in "our world"
  3. Design a poster which illustrates the creature and how it will adapt to its new habitat.
  4. Be able to defend to your classmates how and why you designed your creature using at least 3 of the scientific principals we have discussed in the article The Biology of B-Movies.
  5. Present your poster to your classmates.

Build a Monster Peer Review

Student Presenting ______________________

Type of Monster/Name ________________________

  1. How realistic was this creature? Explain your answer.
  2. Was this creature designed to follow the basic principals of science which we have studied in B-Movie Monsters? Give specific examples.
  3. Explain what interested you about this creature.
  4. What questions do you still have concerning the construction of this creature?
  5. How would you have designed this particular creature differently?


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