My purpose of creating this unit is to introduce several basic concepts in Biology as they relate to size as well as introduce some practical applications of nanotechnology as it relates to the lesson I already teach on biotechnology. I frequently have had difficulty in assisting my students in understanding the concept and relationship of size, especially as it relates to the metric system specifically, and size relativity of all living organisms in general. Many of my students are unaware of the most basic comparisons, such as the conversion of objects from millimeters to meters. They have difficulty with the mathematics of the conversion, and they likewise have difficulty conceptualizing the relationship between what is considered large and what is considered very, very small. I realize that if they have difficulty relating to measurements, which represent macroscopic objects, then it is understandable that they have even more difficulty with visualizing and relating to the vast microscopic world.
I am also excited about introducing my students to the science of nanotechnology. During the course of the semester, I discuss with my students various technologies—including biotechnologies used by scientists in the field of Biology such as recombinant DNA, cloning, and genetic engineering. During our discussion of these topics, I also want to relate the nature of what nanotechnology is and some of the practical applications that are being developed and utilized at this current time. Upon the completion of this unit, I want my students to be able to recognize these concepts and be able to apply this knowledge effectively as we discuss the structure, function, adaptation, evolution, and interconnectedness of all living organisms in our biosphere throughout the entire course. As a result of teaching this unit, I want to be able to introduce some of the models and concepts which not enhance what we will be covering in this course, but will form background knowledge for the courses my students will take after Biology such as Chemistry, Physics, Physical Science, and Anatomy.