Nanotechnology and Clean Water: How Safe Is Our Drinking Water?
Ram Bhagat
Published September 2010
Tools for this Unit:
1 Barbara Kingsolver, "Water is Life," National Geographic Vol. 217, No. 4 (April
2010). 36-59.
2 Shawn Stevens, LeeAnn Sutherland, and Joseph Krajcik, The Big Ideas of Nanscale Science
& Engineering: A Guidebook for Secondary Teachers (Arlington: National Science Teachers Association,
3 Jenny Smith, Education and Public Health (Alexandria: Association for Supervision
and Curriulum Development, 2003).
4 Shawn Stevens, LeeAnn Sutherland, and Joseph Krajcik
5 Nora Savage, et. al., eds. Nanotechnology Applications for Clean Water (Norwich:
William Andrew Inc., 2009).
6 Lubert Stryer, Biochemistry 3 rd Edition (New York: W.H. Freeman and
Company, 1988).
7 Daniel B. Botkin and Edward A Keller, Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet
5thEdition (Hobokin: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2005).
10 Brian J. Skinner, Stephen C. Porter, and Daniel B. Botkin, The Blue Planet: An
Introduction to Earth System Science 2nd Edition (Hobokin: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1999).
11 Botkin, Daniel B. and Keller, Edward A.
12 Brian J. Skinner, Stephen C. Porter, and Daniel B. Botkin
13 Daniel B. Botkin and Edward A Keller
14 Nora Savage, et. al.
15 Daniel B. Botkin and Edward A Keller
16 Barbara Kingsolver
17 Daniel B. Botkin and Edward A Keller
18 Nora Savage, et. al.
19Linda Williams and Wade Adams, Nanotechnology Demystified: A Self-Teaching Guide (New
York: Mc-Graw Hill, 2007).
20 Nora Savage, et. al.
21 Steve Meyerowitz, Water: The Ultimate Cure (Summertown: Book Publishing Company,
22 Greg Hannahs, Cryptosporidium parvum: an emerging pathogen, (accessed July 2010)
23 Peter H.Gleick, Bottled & Sold: The Story Behind Our Obsession with Bottled
Water (Washington: Island Press, 2010).
24 Nora Savage, et. al.
25Linda Williams and Wade Adams
26Richard Booker and Earl Boysen, Nanotechnology for Dummies (Hoboken: Wiley
Publishing Inc., 2005).
27Linda Williams and Wade Adams
28Richard Booker and Earl Boysen
28Linda Williams and Wade Adams
29 Nora Savage, et. al.
30Raju Jaini, e-mail message to Ram Bhagat, August 3, 2010.
31 Nora Savage, et. al.
32 Lincoln Center Institute. LCI's Practice http//, (accessed
July 2008).
Abdulraheem Okehi Anumah
February 25, 2018 at 3:26 am
Thank You Message.
Dear Admin, This is to acknowledge with much ecstasy and all the functional groups of appreciation; the article is the best I have read since I started school. It came at a right time, a time when I needed to decide on the best and promising areas of research where I can quickly delve in to learn, contribute and inspire the world. This inspiring article on nanotechnology applications in water treatment would go a long way into moulding me to be a frontrunner for the research, Industrial and academic community of the world. Nothing would bring me greater satisfaction than to improve existing technologies to better analyse topical and troubling issues, and keep the cost of such procedures to a minimum for a number of industries and the society at large. Thank you for giving me this wonderful platform to go and explore the world of Nanotechnology. My Msc proposals and subsequent projects will aim to address the menace of waste water through ground breaking research in nanotechnology. Regards, Anumah ABDULRAHEEM Okehi +2347038848744