Appendix II National Science Education Standards
The central facts, ideas, and skills of Chemistry are clearly mapped within the eight defined categories of NSES content standards: unifying concepts/processes in science, science as inquiry, physical science, life science, earth/space science, science and technology, science in personal/social perspectives; and history/nature of science.
As content, inquiry includes both understanding about scientific inquiry and the abilities needed for students to do inquiry. Thus both the "knowing about" and "doing" aspects of scientific inquiry are integral parts or what it means to teach standards-based science content. It is no longer inquiry versus content in the teaching of Chemistry; it is now inquiry as content (American Chemical Society 2002).
Abdulraheem Okehi Anumah
February 25, 2018 at 3:26 amThank You Message.
Dear Admin, This is to acknowledge with much ecstasy and all the functional groups of appreciation; the article is the best I have read since I started school. It came at a right time, a time when I needed to decide on the best and promising areas of research where I can quickly delve in to learn, contribute and inspire the world. This inspiring article on nanotechnology applications in water treatment would go a long way into moulding me to be a frontrunner for the research, Industrial and academic community of the world. Nothing would bring me greater satisfaction than to improve existing technologies to better analyse topical and troubling issues, and keep the cost of such procedures to a minimum for a number of industries and the society at large. Thank you for giving me this wonderful platform to go and explore the world of Nanotechnology. My Msc proposals and subsequent projects will aim to address the menace of waste water through ground breaking research in nanotechnology. Regards, Anumah ABDULRAHEEM Okehi +2347038848744