Love and Politics in the Sonnet


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction and Objectives
  2. Background Information
  3. Strategies
  4. Classroom Activities
  5. Resources – Reading List for Students
  6. Resources – Bibliography for Teachers
  7. Appendix I – Implementing Common Core State Standards
  8. Appendix II – Suggested poems that align with curriculum themes and standards
  9. Endnotes

Sounds So Sweet

Torrieann Martyn Kennedy

Published September 2011

Tools for this Unit:

Resources – Reading List for Students

Bagert, Brod. Poetry for Young People: Edgar Allan Poe. New York: Sterling, 1995. This book contains biographical information about Edgar Allan Poe, some poems, context for the poems and translation of some words and phrases.

Bagert, Brod, and Sachiko Yoshikawa. Shout!: Little Poems That Roar. New York: Dial Books for Young Readers, 2007. This poetry book compiles poems related to school and learning. It has bright and colorful illustrations.

"Bio4Kids." (accessed July 18, 2011). This website connects elementary students with developmentally appropriate biographical information about people.

Bolin, Frances. Poetry for Young People: Carl Sandburg. New York: Sterling Pub.Co, 1995. This book contains biographical information about Carl Sandburg, some poems, and translation of some words and phrases.

Bolin, Frances S. Poetry for Young People: Emily Dickinson. New York: Sterling Pub. Co., 1994. This book contains biographical information about Emily Dickinson as well as some of her poems and translation of words to help young students understand them better.

Chen, Chi-Fen Emily. "Poetry for Children." Children's Literature. (accessed May 7, 2011).

This webpage introduces children to Poetry.

Cole, William. Humorous Poetry for Children . Cleveland: World Pub. Co., 1955.

This poetry book compiles many funny poems written by a variety of authors.

Ennis, Scott. "Illustrated Children's Sonnets Book." Childrens Sonnets by Scott Ennis. (accessed May 7, 2011). This webpage has 20 sonnets related to subjects appropriate to elementary school children.

"Funny Poetry for Children." Giggle Poetry. (accessed July 16, 2011). This website links to many different children friendly poems written on a variety of topics by a range of authors.

Gillooly, Eileen. Poetry for Young People: Rudyard Kipling. New York: Sterling Pub. Co., 1999. This book contains biographical information about Rudyard Kipling as well as some of his poems and translation of words to help young students better understand them.

Gillooly, Eileen. Poetry for Young People: Robert Browning.. New York: Sterling Publishing Co., 2001. This book contains biographical information about Robert Browning, some poems, context for the poems and translation of some words and phrases.

Giovanni, Nikki, Tony Medina, Willie Perdomo, and Michele Scott. Hip Hop Speaks to Children: A Celebration of Poetry with a Beat. Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks Jabberwocky, 2008. This book includes a collection of poems by various hands.

Kastan, David Scott, and Marina Kastan. Poetry for Young People: William Shakespeare. New York: Sterling, 1999. This book contains biographical information about William Shakespeare as well as rhymes from his plays. The editors also include translation of words and context about the plays the poems come from.

Levin, Jonathan. Poetry for Young People: Walt Whitman. New York: Sterling Pub. Co., 1997. This book contains biographical information about Walt Whitman,some of his poems, words and phrases translated to help young students, and the context of the poems.

Mendelson, Edward. Poetry for Young People: Lewis Carroll. New York: Sterling Pub., 2000. This book contains biographical information about Lewis Carroll, some poems, context for the poems and translation of some words and phrases.

Mendelson, Edward. Poetry for Young People: Edward Lear. New York: Sterling Pub. Co., 2001. This book contains biographical information about Edward Lear as well as some of his poems and some background knowledge about each one. It has bright illustrations.

Roessel, David, and Arnold Rampersad. Poetry for Young People: Langston Hughes. New York: Sterling Publishing Co., 2006. This book contains biographical information about Langston Hughes as well as some of his poems and translation of words to help young students better understand them. Some of the poems also include context.

Schmidt, Gary D. Poetry for Young People: Robert Frost. A Magnolia ed. New York: Sterling Publishers, 1994. This book contains biographical information about Robert Frost as well as some of his poems and his additional ideas and thoughts when writing each poem.


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