American Photography - A Century of Images. VHS. Directed by Hovde Ellen. Atlanta: PBS, 1999.
Bunnell, Peter C.. Inside the Photograph: Writings on Twentieth-Century Photography. New York: Aperture Foundation, 2006.
Confessions of the Guerrilla Girls: by the Guerrilla Girls (Whoever They Really Are) ; with an essay by Whitney Chadwick. New York: HarperPerennial, 1995.
Curl, John. For All the People: Uncovering the Hidden History of Cooperation, Cooperative Movements, and Communalism in America. Oakland, CA: PM Press, 2009.
Foner, Eric. The Story of American Freedom. New York: W.W. Norton, 1998.
Gablik, Suzi. Conversations Before the End of Time: Dialogues on Art, Life & Spritual Renewal. New York: Thames and Hudson, 1995.
Greenough, Sarah. On the Art of Fixing a Shadow: One Hundred and Fifty Years of Photography. Washington, D.C.: National Gallery of Art, 1989.
Heyman, Therese Thau, Mary Street Alinder, and Naomi Rosenblum. Seeing Straight: the f.64 Revolution in Photography. Oakland, CA: Oakland Museum, 1992.
Kellein, Thomas, and Jon Hendricks. Fluxus. London: Thames and Hudson, 1995.
Leikin, Steven Bernard. The Practical Utopians: American Workers and the Cooperative Movement in the Gilded Age. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2005.
Rule, Amy, Nancy Solomon, and Leon Zimlich. Original Sources: Art and Archives at the Center for Creative Photography. Tucson, AZ: Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona, 2002.
Tocqueville, Alexis de, and J. P. Mayer. Democracy in America. New York: Perennial Classics, 2000.
Yablonsky, Linda. "Women's Work." New York Times, February 28, 2010.