Implementing District Standards
The following California Content Standards for the Visual Arts (with their reference numbers), to which school district standards are aligned, are called "proficient" for grades 9-12 and are directly addressed by this unit: students will create an expressive composition using dominance and subordination (2.5); students will discuss the purposes of art in a selected [in this case, American] culture (3.4); students will compare the ways in which the meaning of a work of art changes due to [historical and cultural] context (4.2).
These additional California Content Standards for the Visual Arts (with their reference numbers), to which school district standards are aligned, are called "advanced" for grades 9-12 and are directly addressed by this unit: students will identify contemporary styles and discuss the diverse social, economic, and political developments reflected in the works of art examined (3.1); students will identify contemporary artists...who have achieved recognition and discuss ways in which their work reflects, plays a role in, or influences present-day culture (3.2); students will apply theoretical perspectives to their own works of art and the work of others in classroom critiques (4.4).