Section 3. Conclusion – Tying It All Together
This marks Week 8—the final week of our unit. After having read and evaluated each of our reading selections, conduct a grand finale rap session to highlight our views about America. Revisit the initial recorded info on the K-W-L chart. Include new input, and compare and contrast initial thoughts with final conclusions. Revisit our word wall to affirm our understanding of all definitions. Ultimately, our young learners will have discovered that:
(1) Diverse groups of Americans live in our country. Many were born here. Many came to America as emigrants or immigrants and underwent a naturalization process. To go through either of these processes renders one American.
(2) During slavery times, many Africans were brought against their will to work and live in America. Their descendants were born and raised in America. Enslaved Africans who lived in America were granted their freedom. They and their descendants are Americans.
(3) When we say we are "American" we define our nationality. When we classify ourselves as red, yellow, green, white, or brown, we identify race. When we define ourselves by our ancestral line or religious background, we recognize our ethnicity.
(4) Americans are considered a "mosaic of people" because our nation is comprised of citizens from diverse racial, religious, and ethnic backgrounds.
(5) Despite often untold histories, diverse groups of people have contributed to making America the great nation that it is today. Because of this, we proudly say "The Pledge of Allegiance" and sing our patriotic songs.
(6) Freedom takes on different meanings for different people based on circumstances experienced in their lives.
(7) In America, we are free to make choices. Sometimes, those choices result in good or bad consequences. The fact that we are free to make choices helps us define why our country is called the "Land of the Free!"
Extension Activity: As a class, collectively create a big book entitled "The Idea of America." Have children each take a moment to write one line to descriptively highlight their "idea of America." To create an engaging artistic work, type up student sentence creations in a font proportionate to page size; superimpose typed wording on 16 x 24 or 18 x 20 card stock, to be later bound and, for durability purposes, laminated for use in the big book compilation. Begin with the wording: "The idea of America is being free to _______________________. Students will fill in the blank. For example: "The idea of America is being free to celebrate Dawali with Achintya and Achintya celebrating Kwanzaa with me… The idea of America is being free to sip water from the same water fountain as my white and brown and black and yellow and white classmates… The idea of America is being free to enjoy listening to hip hop music, jazz, and classical music too…" Place each typed statement on an individual page, and have students provide accompanying illustrations. Bind pages and include in your classroom library for future use. Host a special presentation to highlight the collective effort before a listening audience: use a power point presentation or have students role play their "Idea of America" statements. Conclude with a musical rendition of Stevie Wonder's "Black Man," knowing students will sing with fervor because they grasp the concept of being an integral part of the American Mosaic!