Appendix of Curriculum Standards
This unit correlates with the Connecticut Framework K-12 Curricular Goals and Content Standards for Language Arts and Social Studies. Upon being immersed in select children's narratives and scaffolded instruction, students will embrace the following:
Social Studies Curriculum Content Standards 1.5, 1.13, 2a, and 2c. Students will discuss how geographical features and natural resources helped shape people's lives; understand the characteristics and interactions among and across cultures, social systems, and institutions; compare and contrast identities of ethnic/cultural groups; and identify the rights of American citizens in a democratic society.
Language Arts Content Standards 1 (Reading and Responding) and 2 (Producing Texts). Students will describe their thoughts, opinions, and questions that arise as they read and listen to a text; use relevant info from the text to summarize the content; use what they know to identify characters, settings, themes, events, ideas, relationships, and details found within the text; work both individually and on a collaborative basis in gathering historical info from a variety of primary and secondary sources (including published resources and electronic media) to substantiate fictional text; read/share their creative writings with partners, who will constructively critique the work, highlighting elements in the literary piece that coincide with questions they have about the writing.