Self-identity through clans
The clan system of the Diné is complicated. The Diné are a matrilineal society. An individual has four clans acquired from the mother and father. The first clan is passed on to the children through the mother. The second clan is passed on to the children through the father. The third clan is passed on to the children through the maternal grandfather. The fourth clan is passed on to the children through the paternal grandfather.
The Diné clan is very important for every Diné person to know. It tells about who you are. Where you come from. It identifies who you are in relation to other Diné with the same clans. Clans connect you to other Diné as sister, brother, mother, father, maternal or paternal grandfather, or maternal or paternal grandmother. For example:
The chart above shows clans of three people. The second column comes from the mother's clan. The second clan comes from the father's clan. The third clan comes from the maternal grandfather's clan. The fourth clan comes from the paternal grandfather's clan. So, you would introduce yourself like this after your name: Kiyaa'aanii nishli (I am of the Towering House clan). Todichii'nii bashishchiin (I am born for the Bitterwater clan). Dibelizhni dashichei (My maternal grandfathers are the Black Sheep clan). Honaghaanii dashinali (My paternal grandfathers are One Who Walks Around clan).
Identifying how another person is related to you is by the first clan first. From the chart Person 1 and Person 2 are related to one another as brothers or sisters (depending on gender) because they both have Kiyaa'aanii clan as their first clan. If the second clans, father' clan or from the same group of clans, are the same then the individuals are also related as brothers or sisters. If the first clan is the same as the third clan, then they are related to one another as grandchild and maternal grandmother or maternal grandfather. If the first clan is the same as the fourth clan as with Person 2 and Person 3 on the chart, then Person 2 will call Person 3 my paternal grandfather or grandmother. Person 3 will refer to Person 2 as my paternal grandchild. These are the basic relationships of the clan system. Individuals related to one another through the first three clans cannot flirt, date, or marry because of the relationship status.
Once relationship is established as brother, sister, mother, father, grandmother, or grandfather the individuals will regard one another as that for life. This relationship never changes. People maybe strangers when they meet. After introductions are made, then based on clans of the people, relationships are identified and may have new family members.
The purpose for the clan system is: to identify yourself to others for others to relate to you properly; the Holy People will recognize you as their child bestow blessings and protection; and for genetic healthiness meaning clans is the way Diné keep from negative hereditary genes to become a dominate gene causing illness and disease among the people.
Teaching of the clans and clan system is absolutely necessary for the Diné students to know so they are able to begin to identify who they are as a Diné person. This part of the heritage of the Diné is essential for longevity of the Diné for generations to come. When young people know their clan they will know how to relate to the other Diné around them and the natural world. This is where self-identity, respect for self and others, and the environment becomes the foundation that makes the person progress forward to overcome challenges in life to be successful and live in harmony.