Chemistry of Everyday Things


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Background
  4. Strategies
  5. Classroom Activities
  6. Teacher Resources
  7. Reading List for Students
  8. Appendix 1 State Standards
  9. Endnotes
  10. Bibliography

Polytails and Urban Tumble Weaves: The Chemistry of Synthetic Hair Fibers

Lesia Whitehurst

Published September 2011

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I teach Chemistry and Introduction to General Science, at an urban public high school in Emeryville, California. My classes are socially, economically and academically diverse. Demographically, the student population is 68% African-American, 11% Latino, 12% Asian and 9% multiple or other. Over 80% of the student body received free or reduced lunches. The majority of the students I receive in my classroom have had little exposure to science, practical or theoretical. Their math skills are marginal or poor. Additionally, many of the students score below basic or far below basic in reading, on the standardized test administered by the State of California. While Emery Secondary School and district are small, in comparison to the neighboring Oakland School district, the demographic and learning histories are roughly the same.


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