Teacher Resources
Cesa, Irene, ed. ChemTopic Labs Polymers. Vol. 21. Batavia: Flinn Scientific, Inc, 2006.
This book contains laboratory activities and demonstrations on polymers with easy to understand explanations of the concepts.
Chanda, Manas. Introduction to polymer science and chemistry: a problem solving approach. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press :, 2006.
This is book provides essential content information on polymeric science.
Mebane, Robert C., Thomas R. Rybolt, and Anni Matsick. Plastics & polymers . New York: Twenty-First Century Books, 1995.
Part of a series of book about the science of everyday things, this book has lots of great experiments that can be done at home.
Watt, Shirley, and Robert Lipscomb. Polymer chemistry: a teaching package for pre-college teachers. Revised by Robert Lipscomb. Ed. Washington, D.C.: National Science Teachers Association, 1989.
This text is good source for background information on polymers.
Films: Chris Rock and Jeff Stilson, Good Hair, 2009 (www.google.com/search: Amazon.com, 2011).
Funny yet thought provoking documentary that explores the hair care industry in the U.S.
American Chemical Council. Teaching Plastics http://plastics.americanchemistry.com/Teaching-Plastics > (accessed July 23, 2011)
Provides background information on plastics, with activities and other teacher resources.
Society of the Plastic Industry. About Plastics http://www.plasticsindustry.org/aboutplastics/?navItemNumber=1008 > (accessed July 23, 2011)
This website provides a wealth of resource materials, articles, and research on plastics
You tube Videos:
Polymerization [Video]. 2011 Retrieved July 29, 2011, from http://youtu.be/7nCfbZwGWK8
Video demonstration on nylon synthesis
How plastic bottles are recycled into polyester, [Video]. 2011 Retrieved July 29, 2011, from http://youtu.be/zyF9MxlcItw
Insightful video on the processing of plastic bottles into synthetic fibers