End Notes
1 Banchero, Stephanie. "Students Score Poorly on Science Test." Wall Street Journal, January 26, 2011.
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704698004576103940087329966.html (accessed July 13, 2011).
2 Zernike, Kate. "Commencements; At Yale, Mrs. Clinton Ponders Hair and Politics." New York Times (Manhattan) May 21, 2001. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/05/21/nyregion/commencements-at-yale-mrs-clinton-ponders-hair-and-politics.html (accessed July 16, 2011).
3 National Research Council, (US). National Science Education Standards: observe, interact, change, learn. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1996.
4 National Science Teachers Association. "Practicing Science Process Skills at Home." www.nsta.org. www.nsta.org/elementaryschool/connections/200712TorresHandoutParentNSTAConn.pdf (accessed July 16, 2011).
5 Moore, John T., and Richard Langley. "Part II. The Meat of Biochemistry: Proteins." In Biochemistry for dummies. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, 2008. 51-83.
6 L'Oreal. "Hair Science." www.hair-science.com. www.hair-science.com/_int/_en/home.aspx?tc=ROOT-HAIR-SCIENCE^HOME-HAIR-SCIENCE&cur=HOME-HAIR-SCIENCE (accessed July 19, 2011).
8"hair biology - hair fiber composition." hair loss and hair growth information. http://www.keratin.com/aa/aa012.shtml (accessed August 15, 2011).
9 Baxter, Roberta. "Permanent Waves." ChemMatters, April 1993.
10 Drahl, Carmen. "Hair Straighteners." Chemical and Engineering News 88, no. 45 (2010): 54.
11 Hess, Glenn. "Formaldehyde Linked to Cancer in Humans." Chemical and Engineering News 88, no. 23 (2010): 30.
12 Jarvis, Lisa M. "Color Challenge." Chemical and Engineering News 86, no. 6 (2008): 32-33.
13 Zike, Dinah. Dinah Zike's Teaching with foldables mathematics; Dinah Zike's Teaching with foldables science. New York: McGraw-Hill Glencoe, 1999.