Appendix A – Implementing District Standards/Delaware State Standards
Content Standard 1 – Numeric Reasoning: Students will develop Numeric Reasoning and an understanding of Number Sense and Operations by solving problems in which there is a need to represent and model real numbers verbally, physically, and symbolically; to explain the relationship between numbers; to determine the relative magnitude of real numbers; to use operations with understanding; and to select appropriate methods of calculations from among mental math, paper-and-pencil, calculators, or computers.
This unit addresses all of the Number Sense and Operations Grade Level Expectations (GLE's) for grades 9-12, with the exception of those pertaining to absolute value, imaginary numbers, matrices, and expressions and equations with square roots and fractional exponents.
Throughout this unit students are asked to explain and justify their thought processes, listen and learn from each other, and apply new strategies in appropriate situations. In this way, the unit also addresses all of the Process Standards:
Standard 5 – Problem Solving: Students will… develop and apply strategies to solve a wide variety of problems; and to integrate mathematical reasoning, communication and connections.
Standard 6 – Reasoning and Proof: Students will develop their Reasoning and Proof ability by solving problems in which there is a need to investigate significant mathematical ideas in all content areas; to justify their thinking; to reinforce and extend their logical reasoning abilities; to reflect on and clarify their own thinking; to ask questions to extend their thinking; and to construct their own learning.
Standard 7 – Communication: Students will develop their mathematical Communication ability by solving problems in which there is a need to obtain information from the real world through reading, listening and observing; to translate this information into mathematical language and symbols; to process this information mathematically; and to present results in written, oral, and visual formats.
Standard 8 – Connections: Students will develop mathematical connections by… allowing the flexibility to approach problems, from within and outside mathematics, in a variety of ways.