Since students have some idea about how their body works, I will begin with a basic discussion to determine current student knowledge and misconceptions. What is the heart? The lung? Why do we have them? What do we know about how they work? How does their structure relate to their function? This could be an open discussion in class, a homework assignment for an online discussion board, such as Edmodo (see Appendix A— Technology Resources), or a more guided discussion based on private student feedback (through paper surveys or an online media such as a Google form).
The unit will then formally begin with a lecture-based introduction to the heart and circulatory system, followed by the lungs and the respiratory system, as outlined in the background information section below. I strongly encourage questions during lectures and facilitate discussion from these questions and my own prompts to create active and engaged learning. This will be supplemented with a series of labs and the unit will conclude with a final portfolio project focusing specifically on student empowerment and communication.
I am fortunate enough to have a class set of iPads and will use them frequently for research, blogging, and heart and lung current events. Appendix A (Technology Resources) explains the particular sites and programs that I will use to supplement the unit.