1enwikipedia.org/wiki/citizenship_in_the_United_States, Citizenship in the United States.
2 Scott Foresman, Our Nation, Units 4, Pearson Education, 90-91
3 wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_rights_of_a_US_Citizen, what is the Right of a US Citizen?
4 Curtis, Christopher Paul, The Watsons Go To Birmingham-1963. Dell Laurel-Leaf, 181-190.
5 California Common Core Standard Content Standards, Writing Standards 5.9a Grade 5, Writing standards to literature, e.g., Compare and contrast two or more events, 14
6 Moore, Cathy. Ellen Craft's Escape from Freedom. Lerner Publishing Group, Inc.
7 California's Common Core Content Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Support 3,5,9,12,13,14,16,17,20,21, & 22.
8 Scott Foresman, Our Nation, Units 4, Pearson Education, 89.
9 Schneider, Dorothy and Carl J. Slavery in America, Infobase Publishing, 10.
10 Scott Foresman, Our Nation, Units 4, Pearson Education, 91.
11 Carlisle, Rodney P, Civil War and Reconstruction. Infobase Publishing 6, 7.
12 Jordan, Anne, Slavery and Resistance, Marshall Cavendish Benchmark, 59, 60.
13 enwikipedia.org/wiki/citizenship_in_the_United_States, Citizenship in the U.S.
14 Scott Foresman, Our Nation, Units 7, Pearson Education, 164, 165, & 166T5.
15 Monk, Linda R., The Words We Live By, New York, A Stonesong Press Book, 10
16 Pearl, Norman, The U. S. Constitution, Picture Window Books, 6-20.
17 Thomas, William, What Are Citizens' Basic Rights, Garth Stevens Publishing,
18 Monk, Linda R., The Words We Live By, New York, A Stonesong Press Book, 209.
19 Marable, Manning, and Leith Mulings, Let Nobody Turn Us Around, 89
20 Professor Jonathan Holloway gave critical information on the Dred Scott case.
21 Scott Foresman, Our Nation, Units 7, Pearson Education, 160, 161.
22 Burgan, Michael, Bill of Rights, The, Compass Point Books, 2002. 34, 35
23 Carlisle, Rodney P, Civil War and Reconstruction. Infobase Publishing 8-10.
24 Ibid
25 http://en.wikipedia,org/wiki/emancipation_proclamation.
26 Ibid
27 Monk, Linda R., The Words We Live By, 205-211.
28 Ibid, 212-228
29 Ibid, 229
30 www.nndb.com/people/055/000172536/ Rodney King,
31 http://trayvonmartincase.org, Case of Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman.
32 Curtis, Christopher Paul, The Watsons Go To Birmingham-1963, 180-190.
33 Cavan, Seamus Coming to America, The Irish-American Experience.
34 Corrigan, Jim Filipino Immigration.
35 Gordon, Susan Asian Indians, Recent American Immigrants
36 Grenquist, Barbara, Cubans, Recent American Immigrants
37 Hestler, Ann, Yemen, Cultures of the World.
38Lester, Julius, To be a Slave/ Wanasundera, Nanda P. Sri Lanka, Cultures of the Worlds
39 Pinchot, Jane The Mexicans in America.
41 Sexton, Colleen, Philippines in Pictures
42 Catrow, David We The Kids, The Preamble to the Constitution of the United States
43 McGill, Alice, Molly Bannaky,
44 Yin, Coolies,
45 Surat, Michele Marie
46 Garay, Luis, The Long Road,
47 Marable, Manning, and Mullings, Leith Let Nobody Turn Us Around,
48 Ibid, 87.
49 Ibid, 87, 88.
50 Ibid, 70-75.
51 Ibid, 71.
52 Ibid, 107-110.
53 Ibid, 138.
54 Ibid, 150-159.
55 Ibid, 171-173.
56 Ibid, 159-164.
57 Ibid, 193, 194.
58 Ibid, 174-179.
59 Ibid, 199-205.
60 Ibid, 227.
61 Ibid, 241-245.
62 Ibid, 257-262.
63 Ibid, 264-266.
64 Ibid, 268.
65 Ibid, 281-285.
66 www.nndb.com/people/055/000172536/
67 Marable, Manning, and Mullings, Leith Let Nobody Turn Us Around, 208-211.
68 Myers, Walter Dean, Malcolm X, By Any Means Necessary, 128, 129
69 Baldwin, James, Collected Essays: Excerpts from The Fire Next Time.
70 Marable, Manning, and Mullings, Leith Let Nobody Turn Us Around, 513, 514.
71 Ibid, 627.
72 Barack - httl: barackobama.org
73 Marable, Manning, and Mullings, Leith Let Nobody Turn Us Around, 637.
74 Ibid, 628.