Implementing District Standards
As the instructional focus, the proposed research-based unit will include integrated fifth grade California's Common Core Content Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, English Language Arts and California Music Content Standards: Visual and Performing arts. My students will strive to met these standards in this unit. 7
Common Core Reading Standards for Literature and Foundation Skills: The Reading Standard for Literature that my students will learn is compare and contrast stories or narratives in the same expositive genre.
California's Common Core Writing Standards: Their Writing Standards will be to write an informational compositions that will examine the idea of citizenship and convey their ideas clearly; develop their topic with facts, definitions, and concrete details; and link their ideas (to self and world connections), and contrasting their discoveries and ideas to a particular culture.
California's Common Core Speaking and Listening Standards: Students will effectively engage in a range of collaborative discussions (pair-share, small
group and whole group, teacher and student led) with diverse partners about their research on citizenship, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.
California's Common Core Vocabulary Acquisition and Use: They will review using words and phrases acquired through conversations and collaboration, reading their cultural chapter books, and being read to (read aloud books), and responding to texts, including using adjectives and adverbs to describe their feelings about their comparative analysis of citizenship
California Music Content Standards – Visual and Performing Arts: To prepare to perform at the Brown Bag Theater, students will learn and sing songs about citizenship and freedom from diverse cultures and time periods. They will sing a repertoire of music.