Narratives of Citizenship and Race since Emancipation


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Demographics
  4. Objectives
  5. Lessons, Activities, and Projects Objectives
  6. Culminating Projects-Objectives
  7. Implementing District Standards
  8. Background Content
  9. Unit Content – Citizenship
  10. The U. S. Constitution
  11. Narratives of Citizenship and Race By Notable African Americans
  12. Lesson Plans
  13. Endnotes
  14. Annotated Bibliography
  15. Websites

True Citizenship: A Question of Race

Tauheedah Wren

Published September 2012

Tools for this Unit:


I chose the topic, "True Citizenship: A Question Of Race," because all my diverse students have expressed poor citizenship practices with their peers. These ten and eleven year old students have been taught to be respectful, show empathy, and display acts of kindness, in their homes, at school, and other venues. Something happens when they interact with each other, however. They sometimes forget to be kind and respectful and need tools to help remind them of what has been taught at home.

Students who identify with their past will become more sensitive to understanding other races who have similar experiences. When students have more information about their own backgrounds and their peers' backgrounds, they will then understand and respect their differences and celebrate their similarities.


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